2:00 onward is totally memeworthy;
Nick Clegg speaking fluent Dutch in tv interview with NOVA - YouTube
I know who's bike this is, would have it if it fit me...
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/261228086604?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 -
Yes, I though it deserved covering as just another knife murder in SE London, but the Meeejah seem to disagree
I think it has been blown out of proportion a hell of a lot. To the point where I could get attacked by just saying that. I think the civil conflict it has created is exactly the reaction the parties involved, including media wanted. Everybody seems to be looking at the murderer more so than the victim. Which means he has gone out with (a slightly less cliché) bang, and succeeded with his intentions in every way.
I think we should all move on, and wait for the next headline news event to make memes about.
(Yes my Facebook is German)