sorry bout the pic... Just got in too so Rogan feel free to collect tomorrow if you want it. Yelnats the seats pretty basic, of an old raliegh
this pic link better? http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/8049_10151022989306670_1582316495_n.jpg
Moving house on monday,
If anyone wants some rago wheels, a seat or short stearer forks then please pick up in NW5 4AX tomorrow (sat or sunday morning) otherwise Queens crescent bins will have them.
The rear wheel is ok, wak hub on a niceish mavic T221 rim
Let me know contact on 07835403877 or PM
forgot to mention wheels are 700c
Joel :)
Hey guys!
I recently brought a Raliegh ti off this forum and it just got stolen. The robbers broke through two doors into our flat and took everything including 4 bikes.
This is a pic of my raliegh -
This is a pic of my Trials bike which is a leeson 24"
Im stuck in South Korea for a few weeks so I cant do anything but PLEASE if you see either of these pretty unique bikes then let the police know or let me know via the forum.
Thank so much in advance!!
In need of a Rear 700 fixed wheel, pref with cog, Not too fussy, dont want to pay too much (under 50). Failing that Interested in fixed hub too, can just build onto old rim.
Thanks, Joel :)