Hello from Norway.
Have kindled the embers of my riding interests for the last two-three months and ended up here, along with some other biking sites, primary touring interested and on a "mission" to get back to the "one man - one bike" philosophy of my younger years in the 70s (wow - now I felt really, really old.), not so much because of a philosopy back then, but because one bike was all that was "allowed" or needed.
For the moment the stable contains a late 70s vintage Peugot 10 speed tourer, a hand me down from my father, that have resided on a roller or stationary trainer for more than a decade but wich I contemplate getting in roadworthy conditions again and a 2008 Giant SRC City thats still unridden. Must hurry to say that it was a layover when bought.
m also in the big and tall variety, beeing 6
8 and around 275ish lbs, so finding fitting bikes, dare I say, interesting...:DAnyhow, glad to have found you fellows and looking forward to hanging around here... :-)
Good write-up, splendid stuff.
Thanks for sharing. :-D