Got one of these as a replacements for my old stolen bike and It's just very average. My old one was a cheapish build from gumtree which went like the wind, this charge plug 'racer' is on what seems to be a really difficukt ratio. I had the back cog changed to an 18 which now makes the ratio 42:18 but its still like riding through treacle up even slight hills. And there is a very minimal amount of 'kick' to the bike, no matter how much you peddle it seems impossible to really pull away and the bike just slows to a halt within seconds. Will I have to change the sigano cranket which came with it to improve the aspects I am talking about?
regards, Harry
I have just got me hands on the evo mini 5 pictured above. Now either I'm being completely retarded or the product is faulty. I cannot close the thing! The bar cannot go through the hole, it doesn't clear the protruding silver metal bit inside. Is this a common problem?
The lock came locked, unlocked it with ease and now cannot for the life of me lock it back up again. Help much appreciated..
Got a new charge plug racer and wanted to put risers on it instead. Got some from brick lane bikes along with their longer grips. The charge plug levers however are too big for the bars and too small to fit over the grips?
I suppose I will have to get new levers to fit them, any suggestions? Thanks in advance..
Sorry, isn't this completely untennable? Even if something like this could be built, which I'm not saying it SHOUD, wouldn't the price quite possilby be a single human life?
I didn't mean an exact clone of it. I would probably choose slightly different bars and have some brakes obviously, more concerned about the wheels which I personally do like despite being garish.
Can anyone tell me the exact bars on that pink bianchi?
almost certainly stolen, this dude is always at it..
almost certainly stolen, this dude is always at it..
hey guys i am new here and wow this thread is depressing, makes you question whether getting a decent bike is actually worth it in London. I am completely new to it all, got this bike which I was fucking loving riding around south London for my birthday in April. It was stolen from the back garden of the Honor Oak pub in south east London at the bottom of brockley rise last Tuesday whilst on my shift. Bit late now I know but if anyone claps eyes on it then great. Brake levers were cane creek and tyres duro stinger, that is all I can remember in terms of manufacturers.
cheers, harry.
rear wheel spins fine, brake pads are not the problem. The chain appears to be v tight with not sag..