For sale -
1 - On-One WTB Volt saddle - unused (came with me Pomp and I immediately switched it out) - £15
2 - Selle Italia XO SE saddle - barely used - £10
3 - Selle Royal Viper Xsenium saddle - somewhat used but totally fine - £5
4 - Selcof 27.2/350 seatpost - unused - £10
PM me if you're interested
Hi guys,
My long-serving Langster was nabbed from our block's bike room in Islington this week. Two locks. CCTV. Coded door. Bleurgh...
It's matt black, with the stickers removed and covered in reflective stars. Fixed gear only. Miche Primato cranks. Monkeylight on the back wheel. No saddle when taken. 105 brake calipers.
If you see it, I'd be grateful if you gave me a heads-up.
HUKD is currently going nuts about those
Returning to LFGSS riding after some time off...
- Ma3k
- Samson
- jackc
3.jameskj - dave4
- Pete
- Hoke
- ian (conker)
- shinkuu kiss
- JB
- upstart
11.Multi Grooves? - YAL
- Yankee Shit Bag
- Hairnet
- vunugu
- alfie
- Eamesy
- apollo
- dmayn91
- AirTime
- Earthloop
- Sweaty
- middleofnowhere
- 790
- Velox
- Modan
- Marco
- whatsAfixie
- YellowJxC
- dave rlangster
- truemilk
- JessieB
- MWollny
- ashleyisdabest
- digs86
- mel
- Hobson
- Bondy
- Alex
- Amygdala
- Temp (Marko)
42&43. fotochap + 1
Looking forward to this. Will be a chance to fire up my new monkeylight too :D
Also looking forward to The Botanist!
- Ma3k
Sounds ace-cakes - will do me best to be there and bring people.
- Sonny
- CelesteGreen
- Jakebrown
- Jacqui
- ian
- pom (mrs conker)
- bodieanddoyle - I'm going to dress up as Rick James.... bitch!
- apolloxl
- almac68 - going as sly and the family stone .. biatches!!
- somebody.
- photoben - If you see a photographer with a forum cap on give me a wave!
- Hairnet
- little white bike
- markbikeslondon
- missmouse
- JAH tim
- fotochap
- Sonny
You cycle to the pub. You buy us all a beer/ale. We look you up and down, ask you some obscure cycle related questions and you fill out an application form. Whilst we vet you, you get us another beer. If you make it through to the next round, which is on you, you may then perform your best 3 cycling related tricks for our amusement. You then buy another set of drinks and set off on the mini time-trial down to the petrol station to get us some more fags.
Upon your return, we hand you our empties and you refill them. After BQ carves our mark into your chest, you may then sit near us but on NO account are you to make eye contact. We are the most exclusive drinks for a reason.Sounds epic.
My 3 cycling-related tricks will be as follows -
1) Endo-dismount onto back of car
2) Attempt to remove crank and shear off all thread followed by cover up story that it's a "security measure"
3) Jump off kerb and shatter rear race guard with Camper Longflap.I've got practice in all of these so hold on to your hats.
Moving to the Jolly Butcher gets my vote - the beer there is awesome :D
There is ONE real Fabergé egg, worth a cool 100k apparently -
It costs to enter the draw for that though so I think we should just try and find it ourselves - surely they'll consider it an apt reward for such initiative?
Hi all,
Anyone interested in a ride to tie in with the The Big Fabergé Egg Hunt ? Perhaps finding as many of the 209 eggs as we can in a day?
It might be better to schedule it at the end of the 40 days so we can pool knowledge about the eggs' locations. i.e. Sat 31st March or something like that.
What to people think? If people are interested I'll do some more planning.
Impressively, there are roadworks going on and all of the railings have been removed EXCEPT the one the ghost bike is attached to.
I guess the only problem with this is the possibility that the railings are being removed to stop people getting crushed by lorries turning left.
10/10 for consideration for the memorial though.
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/170761921667?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:VRI&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2661Agreed - it's a tadge pricey though!
Still, two front forks - don't see that every day.
CRC are doing Kona Paddy Wagon Frames (including forks) half price -
Just thought I'd put it oot there.
They've just launched a £200 single speed / fixie too :)