Had a recent collision nothing major just hit a pockmark pretty hard and noticed a few things;
The frame is Reynolds 531c fyi, deep V rimms unsure of the brand.
Both my front wheel and rear wheel are fully functional, BUT, woble slightly, i think the rear is touching the brake during the wobble but breakes are adjusted pretty tight. I have loosened for now.
Was advised that this is dangerous and an indication that the wheel could buckle any moment? Is this true? In any case what would you recommend going to a mechanic for wheel truing or getting the whole wheel replaced? These are Deep V rims, I will post some pics later.
Stem or fork is slightly loose, wobbles up and down. The exact source of problem is the big round nut thingy that lies over the stem and attaches to the actual frame doesnt scrue on completely It screws right through as In it doesnt seem to stop no matter how many times I turn. I believe the swivly abrasions on the stem or the fork are worn out? Would you recommend replacing the part or can a mechanic rectify such issue?3.
Aside from that the bike frame has 2 small peny sized dents on the top bar of the frame, I am unsure but would like to know if these could possibly compromise the structure safety of the bike? -
Dear All,
I have had many issues with my current seat-post, and recently my bolt broke, so the clamp no longer works on my Rolls Seat, I have had enough of this, and am looking for a new seat-post and a more stable clamp that doesn't rely on a single bolt.
Looking for a 27.2mm Seat-post complete with clamps/grips.
Please refer to this thread for details pics of what I have now and where the problem is.
http://www.lfgss.com/thread76714.htmlBest Regards,
Both the seatpost mentioned were 27.0,sorry.
You can have this though
That looks like exactly what I need, not sure if this will fit my clamp though, do you have a clamp with this?
Also, where about do you live, i can cycle to pick it up. If it fits my seat and seatpost, I dont mind parting with a fiver.
I am looking for a saddle to fit my 531C frame. I am unsure about the specs, the seat-post is old, I have a ROLLS saddle atm, but some ahole tried to pry it away and as a result broke the bolt connecting the saddle to the seat-post.
All I have is the seat-post, saddle and the 2 little grips that hold the saddle. I need the bolt and screw, else a new saddle altogether as I am bloody tired and not getting anywhere on finding the missing parts.
Please would you kindly advise me as what the relevant sizes might be, nd post any offers.
Get a fucking grip. If it's so predictable that these drivers are always going to try and fuck you up with their stupidity, adjust your riding style to compensate for that fact.
The problem with accidents is that they are not predictable, people make mistakes. There you are riding along the road on a sunny day when a car collides into your bike from behind. The guy was tired, sleepy wasn't paying attention. Sound familiar? Well then enjoy having your face/scalp transplanted.
Ivan, this thread is by now admittedly getting a bit long, but all of your concerns have already been discussed--you'll find plenty of facts to assuage your worries upthread. That said, everybody recognises that this debate will probably go on forever.
There is no real debate here, theres just 1 side stating the fact and using statistics to show that incident A will occur, the factor being time.
Then theres the other side; "were too cool to wear helmets"; "my hair gets messy if I wear a helmet"; my favorite quote: "helmets discourage people from riding bikes" - Where the fark did you get that assumption from? That is the most stupidest case of reverse psychology I have ever seen. Should airbags or seat belts discourage people from driving? This side is arrogant, ignorant and when the time comes, and they do lost a good portion of their face to the tarmac, they will no doubt learn the hardway.
For the gentleman, who explained the art of colliding into a car, yes skidding, nice, been there done that. I am not an idiot to collide head onto a car. There are other factors, for example the stupidity of the guy driving the car.
You would not believe how many times I would find myself in the situation where a car is about to pull out of the alleyway, the driver LOOKS AT ME, LOOKS the other way, waits until I am close to him and going at high speed; sees the opportunity in turning perpendicularly into my direction at the opposite lane and grabs it just as I am mere meters away from him.
The sad reality of the situation is; most drivers assume your breaking distance on the bike is measured in centimeters. Most drivers assume you are going at 10mph. Most of them never drove a bike in a London road before.
In the end of the day, as I have mentioned before there is no debate or argument. Theres responcible cyclists who are aware of the risks, and then there are the others who think they are too good, or they havent grown out of puberty and want to live life on the wild side. I respect both parties, but if you want to live dangerously dont go about making up stupid sh*t like "wearing a helmet discourages others from riding a bike" or "the helmet wont make any difference in a collision" and again, my most favorite; "a helmet only increases the danger during the collision".
Believe it or not, but your body is capable of absorbing some tough impacts, in general. However your head; is a bit more important than say.. your limbs, I am sure you can survive and live a long life with say a broken limb, or worst case scenario a missing limb.. But you cant do the same without your head/brain. Unless you like spending your time in a hospital bed on life support, like a lot of other cyclists who thought the same way.
Perhaps it might be the fact that you like the idea of losing half your skin over the tarmac, or maybe you are so ugly that it will only make things better. Either case, I am not here to judge, but I mean why not?
9/11 just over 3000 people died in the attacks... The year following the incident, air travel was seen as dangerous, horrific etc all because of a single attack. People taking to the roads instead of flying soared. An evaluation was done to see exactly how many accidents occurred DUE to this incident. It was estimated that over 1.5k people died because they chose to drive instead of flying. Thats HALF of the initial list of casualties of the attack.
People dont realize this, but roads are one of the most dangerous places to be in. They didnt realize that even with the attacks, chances of a fatality of flying is approximately 100x less likely than if you were driving. As a cyclist, you are a vulnerable motorist, you don't have the security of a crumple zone or a cage, you are on your own.
The way I see it, youre going up a road, suddenly a car pulls out infront of you without looking, you break, but the momentum plunges your front wheel into the side of the car and you flip over the bonnet.
Now, as you fly through the air, there's 2 possibilities; Possibility 1 is that you will land on your head, possibility 2 is that you manage to land on your back. Possibility 3 is that you are a ninja and will land back on your feet and catch the bike; this case we will ignore.
If you land on your head, your skull will absorb the impact, whilst your neck, the shock. Now think about what will happen to your skull. As you are thinking about it, remember the bicycle helmet is designed to splinter into many pieces as it absorbs the shock. In the end, would you rather have your skull splinter into pieces, or your helmet?
Last of all, the helmet will not absorb ALL of the impact, would be stupid to assume that, granted. It might not even save your life, granted. However, if the helmet can absorb even 50% of the impact, that could mean the difference between getting hit over the head with a sledgehammer or a wooden mallet. Sure, in either case youre going to be f**ked, but at least in the latter case youll be alive with most of your brain/head intact.
Ill go as far and admit, that not everyone is an idiot, you might have years of experience riding a bike. Sure, you might be a pro. But that still doesnt account for the idiot on the other end, the one thats going to turn left without indicating, or the moron VAN who doesnt want to wait in the traffic jam and turns into the alley just as you are undertaking him. Or the idiot who pulls out infront of you looking the opposite way of the traffic. Infact all of the scenarios above happened to me, multiple times, I still have a helmet with half the pain scratched off during my impact on the tarmac. It wasnt a big collision or anything, and I managed to swirve quite quickly, but it did save me a big chunk of my hair.
e&c is a bit of a nasty junction to navigate ... especially drunk coming the "other" way, but so far it is more about human psychology than the layout of traffic for me.
...being drunk (confused stare), one would give a fart of course, but still, you know...
and if in doubt, there is always the "shortcut" as multigrooves likes to go about that place.
I navigate the E&C roundabout 5 out of 7 days a week, dont see anything dangerous about it tbh, at speed too. MY philosophy is to just take over a lane, cant get undertaken, overtaken, hold your ground.
you're - you are.
i need to tighten up my grammar! My mum will be very dissapoint.
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Well I might be mistaken... Strange that a new user would use a similar name to "ivandaterrible"
Maybe it's a coincidence.
Don't quote me on my last post.
I live near brick lane, heck, sometimes I have drinks there. I dont work in a bike shop though. I can assure you I am not affiliated with anyone from the "5th floor"...
i cant help thinking that ivan the terrible should stop asking silly questions
Im terrible, what can I do? :P
I actually couldn't find CM tonight, I was late. But I know what it is.
Saw them go over Tower Bridge at like 9pm, but I heared they will be going to the foundry near old street at the finish.
You'd never heard of CM then..?
No, I am new in this cycling thing, ive seen groups before but I never figured to get involved.
Anyway, thanks for the replies, and sorry for being naive.
Will post some pics in a few hours. JUst wanted to know if anyone had experience.
The part relating to the threads worn out is correct, could not find the words to explain properly - my apologies.
Stand By for pics, leaving the office in a bit.