I guess I'm a lazy bastard 'cause I found a lot on fivenineclimber's website: http://fivenineclimber.com/bikes/gazelle/frisol.htm. I'm not sure about the the bracket. I geuss it has been cast because it has some (4?) parallel slots in it. Unfortunately I wasn't able to make any pic's. The fork crown was kind of angled and not at all looking like the one in 59climber's site. It is fully chromed.
Ik kan een Champion Mondial frameset verwerven in 56 cm c/c. Voor zover ik kan lezen is het framenummer 3234371 (de '2' kan ook iets anders zijn) welke samen met 'GAZELLE' is ingeslagen op een bracketpot, waarop ook 'cota' en 'Italy' staat. Op de balhoofdlug staan aan de voorzijde de merkjes 'B' en 'M'. De staande achtervorkscheden zijn gekruld bevestigd over de bovenbuis en raken elkaar bij de punten. Het frame is uitgevoerd in een soort groenig parelmoer en heeft 'kliko'-groene panelen. Randen van sommige lugs zijn roestig en er lopen her en der wat 'roestwormpjes' onder de verf. De voorvork is volledig verchroomd en van Reynolds 531-buis. Op het frame zijn alleen nog restanten van deze sticker te zien.Dropouts zijn Campagnolo. Heeft iemand enig idee wat de leeftijd van dit frame is (en wat is een reële waarde)? Volgende week mss foto's.
Summary in English: I can acquire a CM-frameset with 3234371, 'GAZELLE', 'cota' and 'Italy' stamped(?) on the bracket. On the frontside of the headset lugs are engraved/stamped 'B' en 'M'. The topends of the rear forkstays are bent over the toptube. Same edges of the lugs have rust on them, there's some rust under the paint also. Dropouts are Campagnolo. Does anyone have a clue about the age of it and of the approximate value?
I was wondering which year it is from because it has the new style decals and the '89 catalogue shows the old style. Also in the '91 catalogue it is called Champion Mondial instead of All Terrain Bike ánd it has got the new style decals.
I see it is shown in the '89 catalogue with a 'All terrain bike' decal but called 'Champion Mondial' I understand what you mean now, DutchCheese. Ánd it has got a wide forkcrown, I'm happy with that for good looks-sake! ;)
Thanks for the feedback! Pic's are coming this weekend. I was wondering which year it is from because it has the new style decals and the '89 catalogue shows the old style. Also in the '91 catalogue it is called Champion Mondial instead of All Terrain Bike ánd it has got the new style decals. Frame number is 3328192. Numbers starting with 33.. where issued from '77 on until an unknown (to me) year.
Frame details: toptube cablerouting, bottle bosses on seattube too. I kind of hope the fork has the wide crown. I think a similar one can be sourced. If it originally had a unicrown, could it be the same fork as the M-Bike had in e.g. '98?
Thanks for the tip on the frameset: I'm interested but can't receive private messages yet (I'm active on Dirty-pages.net though). As far as suspension, I'll have to gain some knowledge about the one(s) mentioned. I take it the framegeometry is not sus-ready?
Thanks again for your knowledge!
My Champion Mondial ATB has the brazed unicrown fork. The mech cables run over the toptube. Indeed cantis at the back, on the seatstays. The frame has 'Gazelle' engraved in stay caps and the dt & st decals are the later Italic ones.
I do not have a pic yet, but it looks nearly identical to this one >>
The bike came with a 27.0mm SR Extra Super Light road post fitted, but that short early 80s post was absolutely not original.
The bike is in very good shape. I am happy to have been able to acquire this. I started my cycling live with mountainbikes. Road caught my interest only a half decade ago. I do have tree Dutch mountainbikes now: this Gazelle, a Zieleman and a Rafty.
I recently bought a Gazelle All Terrain Bike frame. It is in reasonably good nick but the fork is missing unfortunately. Does anyone happen to know the geometry of this fork or has a spare for sale? What sort of forkcrown was used? It has got the transferstyle of shown Champion Mondial frame: does this mean it is from 1990 (can't find a '90's catalog)? It has a bright blue metallic color: could this be 'Baikalblauw' code 68? I'll try to post a pic soon.
Thanks for answers.
Yup, I was lazy, but then after I posted...! ;D
I read the 1976 and 1980 catalogue and guess it is 78-ish because it has external cable routing and cable routing above the BB shell and is in Frisol-teamcolours. Thanks for the input!