Also, am I right in saying that both mgittings, and S Bear's sphincter bars came of a TK2? It does seem strange to be putting such an expensive and opinion dividing pair of bars on a OTP bike, but its definitely getting them out there.
JC i got mine through aw cycles they were quite pricey! but yeh i actually had these on order since last november but 3t put all of them on the felts so have only just got them
The problem isn't the sphinx position, its the people that the bars, and therefore the position are available too.
Pros, who spend many hours everyday training and racing, using them is quite different to some idiot rocking up to a local track league once a week with them.
Cameron Meyer could probably race pretty well without his hands on the bike at all.
gizmond i agree thats why i found it abit weird when they put them on the felt tk2
the problem is that in my opinion the sphinx give a safe way of doing the position becuase of the extended reach instead of having someone just hanging the hands off the ends of the bars
and RPM i blame the jersey makes me look fat lol got a six pack really ;) haha
hey guys
ive just bought a pair of 3T sphinx bars and i had my first test spin on them last night and there all set up and in the right measurments so there all UCI legal
but was just wondering weather there was anything in the rule book to say you cant ride the sphinx position in a group? i know in a big group of 20 riders you shouldnt really do it and i wouldnt, but in a group of like 4 or 5 riders off the front?
The yawnium. A lottery of bunch racing where the best athletes can have their career ruined by one touch of a wheel?
You can see that any week down the local track leagues, wtf would you want it in the Olympics??
And now I've led myself down that path again, Damn you Bringy. I'm off to do some work properly this time!
+1 the omnium is a lottery, hasnt there been a different winner of the omnium every world cup?
also i think you should only get one chance to win gold at the olympics not 6......
would have been so good to see a big showdown at 2012 but hopefully someone will step in and tell the UCI to listen to riders....
I have to disagree ;)