For Sale:
Carrera Subway Zero - size M in Black. SIngleSpeed or Fixie swapover wheel. Tyres changed to Scwalbe Terra Cruiser, rear caliper changed to Avid Single Digit 6 (i think) and handlebars reduced by 2" overall.
Fairly sturdy thing really, given it's a Halford jobby. Still in very good nick with only a few scratches. Has some provision for racks, a comfier seat and has an adjustable bottle cage. Back to standard ratio.
£130 as is or +£10 to include original seat, smaller front sprocket and chain to suit and it goes on eBay in 24 hours. Cost £199 + £70 for the extra bits
If i knew how to add a photo dagnabbit, i would. PM me if you're interested but i'm away for a week from tomorrow so replies may be slow.
Dems the teams then, no ...
Dan, Dan & Neil
Fin, Chris & Stu (or Lucas)
Andy, Matt & JamesIt leaves about 6 people from which you might get one team regularly, that'll be tranced into polo submission in about a fortnight.
I'm now in search of a good looking motorcyclist polo player, that's also hung like a horse, licks like a lesbian and writes wickedly funny remarks on these places. That'll be a good team that will.
And for my twopenneth ...
I'm a bit puzzled so i think i'd like to quote the 'fifth' for the time being. Its a good plan for creating 3 equally talented teams for general sessions but thereby sentences 5 people to eternal beatings.
I'm also not sure that it'll do much to contribute to B'Hams domination of World Polo since the 3 best will rarely play with each other if the above become a rule / law / tradition / practice. Add to that the mixed levels of attendance, spurious commitment to tourny attendance and what not and it all becomes quite difficult to comment upon.
It'll make 2/3rd of games more interesting certainly but as far as planning for tourny growth is concerned, maybe then change plans when you find out who is able to attend and prepare for the e.g. 6 weeks preceding it by having the top 3 confirmed attendees whop the ass of others.
It seems to me that this suggestion is trying to cure many ills all at the same time - and i'm not convinced it will do.
So there, lots of words, i don't think i made a decision but if i'm agreeing with what you asked, feel free to add my name to the list.
If by that you mean, did my vote reflect the end result accurately, yes it almost did actually, with only one individual swap-round at the top and one at the bottom end. Spooky.
I'm not saying that the result is in any way not correct nor is it inaccurate, i just can do big addy ups in my otherwise empty head and some of the big changes are for the reasons mentioned elsewhere ... explained for the benefit of those who think it's flawed.
I like numbers too ...but only cos i spend a week a month trying to prove my bad numbers are actually better than someone else good numbers. It works 'cos i'm still getting paid \o/
A practical test for the validity of the results would be to do this simple test when there are next a few folk about ....
6 people play and the x people that watch, rank those playing, by committee discussion, into 1st to 6th. Then (probably) a different 3 (or so) will play next time round, and they get 'slotted' into the 'league' where the combined opinions deem accurate.
This can be repeated as people are seived into their slots.
And repeat agan, until you get bored doing it or someone breaks down in tears as they're having a bad day polo playing. It would however show up those whose opinions widely skew the end result ...i.e. in my other post using the fictitious Jess example as an example (sorry again luv) by having her voted in second position by one individual.
It does jack-shit to promote better team playing nor does it give any guidance to indicate which 3 might play best, but if you're competitive enough to wonder where you fit in the league of buddies, it's possibly the fairest way.
Reet - now i'm gonna go draw some graphs ... nothing to do with ^
Hmmm, now i really am puzzled in that case. If anyone didn't vote for everyone (and the remaining people all got the same points) there should've been MORE points 'consumed' than last time. That explains the 1 or 2 people that didn't vote for 1 or 2 people. Each person had 91 points 'to spend' but there were more that 91x14 points spent.
Anyway, fukkit - i'm gonna now go buy shite from eBay. Have a nice day y'all.
Interesting seeding, from which the following can be deduced ....
Everyone (still) agrees with the Top 5, although less people agreed on the top 2 positions - meaning that Andy was (probably) only 2 voters away from the top spot.
For the middle runners, Matt has rocketted, Lucas and I are actually getting worse (dropped down the most positions), Sarah stays the same in most rankings despite not playing for ages and Rob and Si remain in the same ranked space as they did last time round by most people.
Jess, dont be sad as at least 3 people voted you off the bottom space (or maybe one person voted you 2nd overall ... and every else said bottom :) )
Interesting that less 'points' were awarded than last time - assuming everyone voted - despite their being more 'points' available by virtue of more voters.
And finally, if you were to take Neil out of the equation for a moment, it seems like there is 1 person (maybe 2 at most) who has voted in such a way to completely re-jig spaces 6 and onwards.
.....is my take on the seeding. A pint awaits for the judges if this proves to be aloadofbollix
Ermmm, i;m not sure to be honest Neil, i just know that it doesn't perform 'wheel like' duties anymore. I'd have thought that getting a rim rebuilt was more trouble than it was worth but thanks for the offer Mr Neil (afterrammingintomyretrobeautyandandsmashingitintoapringleshapednonwheelyounastycnut) - you are such a gent.
So Daniel, maybe i should rephrase my question to .. given that i have a collection of spacers and a single gear, where can i get a proper dishless, singlespeed rear wheel that is significantly stronger and lives in the area where a 26" MTB wheel used to live?
Incidentally, it was 8 speed....and lived a happy 20+ years untilthatsaddaysomeweeksagowh .... :)
Just added as a bit of controversy as that is the mood i'm in now but ... skidding is the act of slipping or sliding over a surface - and need not be limited to a rear wheel. In some cases, it can actually assist in speedier turning and a faster exit speed, without loss of control.
Look on YouTube for me 'backing it in' to a corner at Donington. If you cant find me, look for Valentino Rossi doing it instead. Aint no reason why you fit types can do it on a bicycle.
End of pointless (but accurate) statement. Happy new bike BTW.
Mega-multiple list
Wednesday 23rd, Calthorpe, 6.30pm
- danwentskiing
- SpeedyPete
Sunday 27th March, Highgate, 10am
- danwentskiing
- Pete the Speedy
2v2 Round Robin, Sunday 10th April, Highgate 10am-3pm(probably)
- danwentskiing
- SpeedyFlapperAndFirkinPete
- danwentskiing
Now THIS sounds like an ideal time to return the goalpost cones. Waheyy. Will try to get there (minus bike, that is)