Hope Veronika is doing well and you are also OK, James.
On a slightly different question, wondered if anyone else who was a witness to the accident has been able to cycle since then? I used to go to work on the bike every day - but just haven't been able to cycle since last Tuesday. I know I need to 'get back on the horse' but just don't feel ready yet..
Anyone else having anything similar?
whilst i appreciate this may appear a little insensitive given the recent nature of this thoroughly unpleasant incident, but here goes: is there any clarification as to the circumstances that led up to this accident? was it another 'cyclist obeying the law and stopping at a red, only to be t-boned by a left turning vehicle that couldnt be arsed to check his mirrors' affair?
Agree with Hael - best to leave speculation out of the discussion and assume eye witnesses will speak to the police about what they saw. News reports suggest court proceedings are in motion.
Spanna, I have nothing but admiration for you.
I just called the ambulance - anybody could and would have done that. But holding the girl's hand and talking to her takes a strength of character and composure that very few of us have. Well done.
When my mind goes back over the whole event there are quite a few things that I can't really reconcile. Were there two cyclists talking to the girl, one wearing red and one wearing a yellow jacket?
When I was talking to the emergency services they kept asking me questions like - is she trapped above or below the knee? Can she breathe? Is she having trouble breathing? I tried to explain that whether she was breathing easily or not probably wasn't the real problem at that stage, but I think I asked one of you if she was having trouble breathing. I worried afterwards that might have sounded like a really inappropriate and strange question to be asking you, and you might have thought I was some kind of ghoulish voyeur to the whole thing.
Anyway, Spanna, (and anybody else who has come across this thread who was there must have been A LOT of people) - hope you are ok and take care of yourself. You behaved like a hero.
Thanks. I felt pretty sick and shaky and had to sit down for a while after.
Massive, massive respect to two other female cyclists who spoke and and held the poor girl's hand while waiting for the ambulance. It wasn't a pretty scene but they looked very calm and composed which I hope would have been some reassurance.
I saw this incident today. The poor girl was on a bike and I heard her scream as she went under the truck. I was at the lights heading towards Oxford Street on a bike just a few metres away. I called the ambulance. I'm a bit traumatised by it all to be honest, and came across this thread after googling and hoping to find some good news that she was OK.
My new mission in life is to make a fuss to try to get something done about the way traffic goes round the Edgware Road end of the Marble Arch. About 20 seconds before this happened I was cut up by a black BWM that cut across the lane going towards Oxford Street - I swore at him a few times and a few seconds later the poor girl went under the truck. Unbelievable. It very nearly was me today. That junction is a mess.
I'm not religious, but thoughts and prayers go to that poor girl and her family.
Great to hear, James. Thanks for the update.