Great thread for advice.
We're self-isolating and into day three of the home schooling. Mini-groover swerving hard toward anything screen based with a strong bias towards game-ified edutainment, there's a surprise. Partner found Prodigy maths website/app thing which is great. Also Scholastic have released 20 days of free activities & lessons which are actually pretty good. There's a veritable shit-ton of free stuff online for kids which is great. There's this too:
They're releasing a free/donations only stream of their performance of Wind in the Willows. Well it's make a change from Netflix/Amazon/iPad etc.
Back in the day I'd have set fire to something or glued myself to the floor out of boredom by now so the sprog is spoiled. He's picking up on the vibe though, so bed time has become an issue with multiple journeys to his room and nightmares that wake him. We were so busy worrying about how we'd handle it that we didn't really think deeply enough about the impact on him, just assuming because we're reasonably level, he would be too. We must be arseholes... But definitely something to watch for in the kids, particularly if they're only children like our son. The school and community have been/are excellent however, though I can smell the fear. I am in awe of primary school teachers. Ours have been amazing, inc. organizing a food drive for kids who depend on school meals. Truly epic.
The partner and I have been getting over a pretty bad cold which we brought back from Sweden at the end of half-term.
*Dry cough for a week
*Runny nose
*Sinus issues/infection
*No feverPartner:
*slight fever for one night
*weird achey feeling for a little bit (A day?)
*snot monsterIn hindsight it might have been a brush with Covid19. If so, I'm ashamed to say we were out in the wild before any of this shutdown. Hope I wasn't a super-spreader. I didn't cough on anyone's burger though...
But what a weird time. If there's a silver lining - too early to call but I must cling to something - it will have profound implications for Govt & the economy in the future. Well I hope anyway.
Stay safe everyone.
Oh, and ginger shots. Juice a carrot and an orange and then a whole lump of ginger. Basically it should be strong enough to wake you up. Might be a placebo but it's a great way to start the day and clear the head and throat.
Hi there.
Just checking to see if this is a: the right place to post this. And b: if anyone is interested.
I have 2 large desk spaces in my studio available now. Would suit photographer/media workers/writers/graphic designers/motion graphics... you get the idea.
It's a lovely light room with wooden floors in a factory building in Stoke Newington, close
to Clissold Park and Church street.I'm a writer/cameraman who's not there that much - week ends and the occasional evening at most -
so it's a big space for two people.PM me for details. Here's a shot of the place.
Just a heads up...
Around 10.05 tonight my partner was riding home from Nettle House to Stokenewington. She's just turned down Navarino Rd when two mopeds approached her from the other direction. She says the mopeds were weaving over the road and as they drew near, a passenger tried to kick her off her bike. When that failed, he tried to grab her but she managed to evade him and get away.
So if you're out in that area tonight keep your eyes peeled.
Hi there.
So I bought a Benotto frame last year which I'll be restoring soon. However I can't find any info about which model it is. It looks like an Aero (Oval profiled tubes) and initially thought it was a model 5000, but mine has a ducted brake cable on the top tube and the 5000's I've seen don't, though some have ducted rear derailleur cables. The 2500's do have ducted rear brake cables (I think) but the cabling enters on the top front and exits rear on the side. Mine is side to side if that makes sense.
So confused.
Bottom bracket looks unlike other Benotto's I've seen as well. Info on Benotto's seems strangely hard to find or verify. Eg; are the Mexican made frames inherently dodgy?
Here are some not very good shots of the frame.
Any advice appreciated.
So... A happy ending.
GF's lawyer emailed the other day. Turns out the Police ignored GF's evidence, and went straight to their own CCTV which showed the driver clearly turning left across my GF and wiping her out.
Cue two weeks of silence, then an email yesterday from GF's lawyer.
The other party are offering £395 for the repairs to her bike - what it cost. Plus £1000 pain and suffering. The Police have cautioned him and he is now obliged to do some further driver training which he has to pay for... which I believe will set him back about £300. If he doesn't complete the training successfully, he has to resit the test for his licence.
Then there are his lawyers fees - take a guess but £400- £500 feels like the zone. And finally the cost of his insurance which is certain to rise.
When this fool graciously agreed to drive her home after the accident, my GF said she expected him to pay for some new forks and he said he would.
The new forks cost her £130.
What an idiot.
True idiocy at 1.35 today at the intersection of Graham road and Mare street hackney.
A future patient dressed in black leisure wear, on a black fixie, wafting like the last blowfly of summer on the wrong side of the road and through the red lights.
At the last minute this idiot decides to turn right into Graham road, across the path of a tipper lorry of the kind that has already killed today. Not content with the illegality/stupidity of this manoeuvre, he then wobbled around the front right bumper of this truck as it hit the brakes & horn, and oblivious to the chaos he'd created, rode away.
If you're here, I'd like the chance to say face to face; go kill yourself in the traffic... Except in no-way does the wider world deserve the trauma of witnessing your macerated carcass in the front wheel arches of a lorry.
Someone should take your shitty bike off you, cut it up with an angle-grinder, and force you to eat it.
Hi there again.
This thread was posted by me before I was graciously reunited (Thanks Velocio) with my username.
So a bit of an update about the GF's prang, sadly more confirmation of the arsey predisposition of your average London motorist, in particular, Turkish dry-cleaners.
Despite video evidence provided by a passing motorcyclist, which shows the dickhead - sorry - other party attempting to drive away. And the statement of another passing cyclist, the dickhead - sorry - other party, strongly denies responsibility. Either his lawyers don't know about the video or don't think it's relevant. The video evidence is pretty compelling, and the GF was driven home by this prick aftwerwards as her bike was un-rideable.
GF's lawyer who's acting on no-win, no fee, has told her that if he keeps on denying, it's off to the small claim's tribunal. There, she's informed, they'll be unable to enforce anything as she wasn't injured.
I appreciate it's very small beer compared to the numerous, much more serious complaints seen here, but anyone been through anything similar?
I feel like chasing this fucker down and taking a dump through his sunroof.
Hi Stonehenge
By not mounting, I mean (OS X here) just not appearing on the desk top, in the finder or disk utility. Nada. Does spin though. I've got a SATA/IDE desktop dock so I know it's powering up.
Learning a big lesson in backing up data here...
Re a trip south, I'd gladly head your way but wouldn't want to put you out.
A follow up on the fritzed hard drive...
I replaced the PCB on the drive (Easier than I thought) and the drive spins but doesn't mount. So I took it to a Mac repair place that just put a new power supply in my tower and they took a look.
Verdict: Still not working. They said that the heads are either not responding or stuck. Given the drive does spin I assume not on the discs themselves.
Youtube throws up mountains of DIYers gleefully pulling their drives apart, including this charmingly demented fella who uses a dentistry tool to pull a stuck head back off the platter.
The only reason I'm persisting with this btw is it's 320gb of music, some very rare and difficult to get again.
So... should I dive in and give it a go? If I opened it up and found the head assembly in the resting position, would it be easy enough to replace it with the one in the doner drive? It does feel like I've got bugger all to lose as I can't justify potentially spending hundreds getting it done.
Am I missing a trick? Some people seem to say tapping the HD while it's spinning might work...
Sorry about the long post. Some advice greatly appreciated.
The Curse of Condor strikes again...
I am currently on Fratello frame no. 3, the other two having cracked/split in exactly the position Sacredheart described above. The first time around the crack was hidden behind the rear brake cable. By the time I discovered it, it was the thickness of my thumbnail and was nearly 2cm long, across the weld and into the top tube.
The owner of Brill on Exmouth Market has a brand new Fratello frame too courtesy of the same manufacturing or design fault.
I love the geometry and handling of my bike but am seriously confused as to how this problem has been allowed to continue. You can't chalk this up to "Italian character" It's a potentially lethal fault.
No if's buts or maybe's Sacred; A new frame gratis is owed.
If the PCB is fried, no.
What makes you think the PCB is fried Uber?
Because I fried it putting the drive in a new box which turned out to have next to no internal clearance. It promptly shorted out when I powered it up and I'm looking at a little carbon starburst right now...
I think the platter & other mechanicals are ok but I don't have the expertise, equipment or time to attempt fitting a new board.
Hi there. I've checked out the other thread but it dates from 2009 and I wondered if anyone here has recently had to get data from a hard drive recovered?
I've got a 150gig LaCie drive that has a slightly fried PCB, so no clicking or spinning. Any recommendations for who's reasonably priced and good would be great.
Last night, 3 dodgy types outside the Railway Tavern in Dalston, huddled around a quite new looking Specialized, maybe a 56 or 58, Sirrus type flat bars with disc brakes and thin racing wheels.
I'd eat my manky old SPD's if it belonged to any of them. I'd have taken a shot on my phone if I could have gotten away with it.
PM me if you've had one nicked and I'll do my best to describe them to you
Last night I followed a bloke on a silver single speed Mercian up Kingsland Rd toward Dalston. We reach the intersection with Balls Pond road and after a cursory 5 second wait at the red, he jumps the light... straight into a waiting Cop, who steps into road and waves him to the footpath.
Mr Single speed slows for a second, maybe confused, before weaving past the Cop and setting on up Kingsland road like a scalded cat.
I'm calling you out. You're a tool. You might have felt all Bonnie and Clyde later but efforts like that will just up the arms race and pretty soon we'll all be dealing with Police of the two wheeled motorised variety. You think they're going to back off and say it's all too difficult?
Hi all.
I'm selling my Benotto Aero frame & forks as I've not got around to building it and have run out of space.
I always thought it was an attractive compact frame with an oval top tube so it's a shame but someone else can have the pleasure. I've left the rear spacing untouched but I believe it can be expanded to take a larger block.
Top tube 55cm.
Seat tube 55cm.
Wheelbase 99cm.
I had it stripped of a terrible paint job so it's ready to go. It's been stored in the dry and is in v good condition.
I'm looking for £350.
Collection only & I live in Hackney, London