We've got 1 of these frames, but have been waiting ages for the maker to get back to us re: BB & Headset spec.
Can any of you track boffins out there point in the right direction?
We only bought three of these on a whim it was like getting the Hanzo sword in Kill Bill.See below for description
and link
Ganwell Kasei NJS/Keirin Certified Track Frameset
Handmade in Japan by master craftsmen this is a rare opportunity to own a piece of cycling history.Constructed from "Kasei" steel tubing throughout the frame is fully lugged and specifically designed for track racing. Fully NJS/Keiren certified, this is one of a small batch of highest quality steel frames. Ganwell roll their own steel and use a carbon rich alloy to create fast, responsive race bikes- taking steel frame technology into the future.
Oh and Simon, I'm trying to get an invoice from you guys to give to my insurance company but it seems the computer says no? I just want to spank some money with you but it's all looking too hard at the moment.
I am disappoint.
Gav, Have you bought a bike from us? send me a private message with all your details and I'll get someone to look at it in the morning. Tuesday night and its sunny up here, time make my legs sore in the Peaks...
Our boss bought loads of NOS 3T stock, I was mooching about the warehouse looking for something else and seen these. Thought LFGSSers might fancy a pair.
http://www.planet-x-bikes.co.uk/i/q/HB3TPOD2/3ttt-curva-podium-2s-canal-drop-handlebars?utm_source=LFGSS&utm_medium=LFGSS%2B3T%2BPost&utm_campaign=LFGSS%2B3T%2BPost -
A BIG Thanks to all of you that contributed to this thread.
I'm going to tell the powers that be they need to include the following:A friendly shop that lets you bring your bike, that's kind to newbies with really knowledgeable staff who aren't wankers. Repairs by the minute and a stand/ DIY area where you can fettle on your own. No coffee but perhaps tea and cider. A good stock of spokes, deep section wheels, track bits, some clothing. Stock of our classic on-one bikes, carbon road bikes and frames for proper roadies and trackies. A proper selection of quality tools, great prices. Late night and Sunday opening.
With regular coach trips up North.
A Zero tolerance approach to tashes and ray-bansOwt I've missed let me know and I'll pass it on.
I'll get all the info on when its opening and what the deal is with bike magic as soon as...Ta very much London
x -
Seriously thanks for all this, please keep posting ideas and suggestions.
You can also put thoughts etc on our fadgeboookI'll go through them all first thing and answer any questions. I've got a 14 mile (9 miles uphill) ride home and a 5 week old little-un (my other half called him Fabian - after guess who?)
see attached. So I've got to get off... I'll post replies first thing.http://www.lfgss.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=37029&stc=1&d=1299173955
Cheers Skully I had that site. I thought it was the Maes but wanted to be sure.