rhb - I can meet you at the station and let you into the secure cycle hub to lock up of you like. It's 24 hour CCTV with fob access so better than locking up on the street/beer garden and only 5 minutes walk from the Rutland Arms. PM me if that works for you and let me know your eta at the station, I'm meeting someone there anyway so i'll likely leave my wheels there too.
Fell Runners keep it as classy as can be. I remember kids at Ladbroke Grove checking out my PB Walsh trainers. The less said about the fluoro Ron Hill hat and the purple bumbag the better but you've got to have somewhere to carry your whistle. Perhaps not in West London.
I had a lovely ride today in parts. Visiting the olds and accompanying them up to Kinder Reservoir in sedate fashion. Had a return train ticket but the weather was too nice not to miss climbing Rushop Edge and popping down to Edale to connect with le grand frere. -
I had a good ride on Sunday, first time out for a while. From Sheffield over Fox House, descended to Grindleford, ascended Sir William Hill lane to Bretton, then followed the edge around through Abney back around to Hathersage; then back home over Fox House again. Terrific views from Bretton and around the gliding club but terribly hard climb out of Grindleford, it is very steep for the first mile or so. Might try it in reverse next time to see how punishing it is in that direction.
Fantastic ride out into the Peaks last weekend. We dinghied the organised ride due to the somewhat appalling weather conditions and one of our party due to be in Sheffield at 2pm so headed out of New Mills up through Whaley to Buxton via the Goyt Valley and Cat and Fiddle. Back round to Chapel-en-le-Frith and over to Hayfield. Then up over the Monk's Road to Charlesworth for what would have been a good view. Finished of with a trundle through the lovely environs of Marple Bridge/Mill Brow/Mellor and Aspenshaw. Not bad for a very wet day - the Goyt valley a particular delight in very misty conditions.
Cheers TSK - I only make it back up from the smoke for a ride once a year or so these days but do say hello if you encounter me wheezing up some Derbyshire incline. I descended down to Hathersage on The Dale that day, had a coffee at Outdoors and then on for a bin lid bacon butty at Castleton prior to tackling Winnats Pass. Happy days!
Not to dismiss TSK's route planning and guiding service but Evans have a Ride It sportive starting from New Mills on Sunday 24th June for anyone who wants a signposted and supported ride out to discover the Peak District. It features the Snake Pass and a lovely route through Edale too. Say hello if you do come along.
Sorry - typo in title
http://www.lfgss.com/thread86848.html -
Hi, I'm trying to get off the ground a community event on my housing estate to mark the Olympic Games being in London without all the corporate nonsense that doing it officially entails.
Our idea is a sports day events for children (for which there is a promise of funding and Skyway's Coaches hopefully), community stalls, food, music and we are really hoping we can get some screenings of the actual games events in the community centre.
I'm a bit lacking in experience in getting this sort of thing together to be honest, the Housing Association are saying the right things but it is hard to get commitment from them about funding, dates and resources. The residents i have spoken to are all pretty keen, especially the kids and under 18's who favour football and cycling as events! In that order, I might add.
I wondered if anyone on the forum has some experience to share of getting this sort of event together, advice, pointers or any inclination to help? Thanks
Make like a tree...