Came across these posts by chance having discovered I too own a Pat Skeates. The re-enforced rear bridge you illustrate is identical to mine. And the numbering system is the same - mine's a 54 vintage . Lovely workmanship and very light. Mine has a characteristic round two crown fork with a central spearpoint - as used by Woodrup and Roberts currently (think its a US made crown these days). Did you get any repro transfers - where from? And have you posted a finished picture?
My frame had no decals but H Lloyd have made repros and are sending me some for £20 including postage for 2X headbadge and down tube script decals. Will update when I get them and figure out how to attach them to a powder coated frame. Am enquiring about Skeates working for Hetchins. It seems well established he worked for Claud B and he set up his own workshop round the corner - building now gone. Skeates is a relatively rare name so might be traceable.