- #dckbrn (TS, IDoNothing, hamsandwich)
- Team Brian (John, Sandy, Louis)
- Spring Break (Adam, Jono, Ali)
- Passed It
- Netto Superstars(Chan, Mirek,Lebowski)
- Nice Touch!
- Next Polo Trend (Alex, Ben, Robbie Warin)
- Name tbc (Emmet, B., Pompon)
- Polo Erectus (Neil, Rob, Emyr)
- Mallet Ballet(Josh,Luca,Lee)
- Mmm... (Matt, Mickey, Mayeut)
- hasta la cocina (erin, jo, ali)
- Pipe & slippers (Ju,Chris Q,Blaze [as long as he can get a new bike sorted!])
- Psyclone's lengthy and tiresome team name (Alfie, crumb, adam)
- Urban shorts (Tim Warin,Ady Hacked Off,Moog)
- Team Minty (Josh, Sam, Nick(New guys - cambridge)
- The Flying Vs (.Vi., almacabra, Arunas)
- Lascivious Lacerators (Harvey (Fen Boi), Rich (Hacked off)
- TBC (Bogey, Woody, Andy)
- Kings
- B.right.on (Danny, Chris, Jamie BTN)
- Johnny Casino and the Gamblers (Mark, Trevor, Iain)
- Police Dog Training Camp (Voidcore, Diceface, Angelo)
- Jam Rags (Zoe, Adrienne, Helen)
- Outcasts (Dean, Ryan, +1)
- #dckbrn (TS, IDoNothing, hamsandwich)
- John H (Pesky Skids,Sons of Pesky Erections,Polo Erectus)
- ATGNI (Ady Hacked Off)
- TS (Big Wang Theory, #sckbrn)
- Adrienne (Big Bush Bears, Polo Fiasco)
- Benjamin
- Gabes (Bicycle Stars Galactica, No Sympathy, Rotten Apples, Zombie/L'quiche/Bank Holiday/The Smooth, DTGPique, Vacas)
- Diceface (Acopolo)
- Aufbruch (Nice Touch, Sparkle Motion and of course Spring Break, London GM BM Coach)
- JuAndCats (Acapolo, Sons of Olaf, Sons of Pesky Erections & Tina's Hen Night!!!)
- Matt (Thor, CBG)
- Crumb (Psyclone, Multiple Scoregasm)
- Alexis (psyclone, Multiple scorgasm, Phils Stag do, Polo Prospects)
- slamm (depending on work shenanigans) - SLAP
- dt (FixedGearLondon, BAD, Concrete Kisses, SEX-E, TheAidanAndJasonAndDavePoloTeamInManchester, Vacas, DTGPique)
- Luca (Thor)
- Gormley (Spring Break, London Pride)
- Mayeut (SCP, Peinture French)
- Ben (Le Maillet Jaune, The Team, Les Pea Cocks)
- Bogey (Cream, CBG)
- Ray (No Sympathy, ELKs, No Grammar)
- Emmet (Massive Cogs, Dead Rappers)
- zoe b (Boom Shakalak)
- B (BAD, Dead Rappers)
- J.Brown (too many)
- Rich (Hacked Off)
- ThomasFromParis (Polomotos, Rois mages, Peinture French, X-Rousses Slayers ok for being a team captain)
- Josh (3guys10eyes, Imperial, Electric Cream)
- Josh (JAH, Scoregasm, Tornadoes, Phils)
- Sandy (Psyclone, Les Pea Cocks)
- Dean (Rusty Rims, Ali's Hen's Night)
- Max (Age v Beauty BM winning captain, Sick Fuckets, Suck Zombie, L'Quiche, Comics, The Smooth, Wank Holiday, Weeeegeneration, London Pride, Vacas, Zombie Uprising)
- Erin (Sydney BM captain/Tornadoes)
- Spoons (Netto, 3 Beards, Cosmic)
- Jono (ELKs, Spring Break)
- Chukker (LAB, Southwest by Midwest, Malice International, JB Malice and Sons, Fifth International, Degeneration)
- Bill (Age v Beauty BM losing captain, Sitting Ducks, 3 Beards, Degeneration)
- John H (Pesky Skids,Sons of Pesky Erections,Polo Erectus)
3pmh heads:
- John: 4 orange, 2 half cheater, 2 international.
- TS: 1 half cheater black (single cap if poss), 1 international black (single cap if poss)
- Khornight : 1 international orange (single cap if poss)
- Sandy : 2 international orange (1 single cap & 1 double capped if possible)
- Alexis : 2 international blue? or black flavour. (both single cap if poss)
- Dean : 2 international orange (1 uncapped / 1 single capped if poss)
- Wicksie?
- Gabes?
Total : 13
- John: 4 orange, 2 half cheater, 2 international.
- PK
- PK
- otters (drilled cap / drilled sides)
- Alexis
- Los Manguis (solid cap)
- Los Manguis (solid cap)
- IDoNothing (drilled sides / solid cap)
- IDoNothing (undrilled sides / drilled cap)
- Cam (drilled sides / solid cap)
- Chan (drilled cap / drilled sides)
- Chan (drilled cap / drilled sides)
- bibby (drilled sides)
- Dean (drilled sides / drilled cap)
Double Capped Mallets
- Teenslain (drilled sides)
- Teenslain (drilled sides)
- Dean (Drilled sides / drilled caps)
Thanks Max!
- PK
18.Luca x2 (can you do a 100mm version?)
Sorry I'm late.
(But Cambridge owes me 2 months of polo...)