I have decided to stick with a Brooks so have these two woman specific saddles to sell:
Terry Liberator X - Leather saddle, made in Italy by Selle Italia, used less than a week then stored so good condition, though part of the chrome rail covering has come off (does not effect anything, see pic) £19 including UK mainland postage
Selle SMP TRK - used on one short ride so excellent condition, can read more about them here: http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Models.aspx?PartnerID=79&ModelID=23429
£16 including UK mainland postageCan do paypal or personal cheque, obviously won't post until cheque has cleared.
PM me if you need more info or have any questions!
I also put a post on CC before realizing I shouldn't have - I can't delete the post over there but did delete the content, sorry!!!
Maybe rather than the bird try the extending and wiggling the little finger in the universally acknowledged gesture for "you must have a small cock, also through in the raised eybrow for a little incredulality.
I regularly offer this gesture but being a guy generally I get the filled with rage reaction.
oooooh, good one!!! I'll remember that!
thistler - laugh at them. they want to see you intimidated. give them a contemptuous look instead and laugh out loud at the sad little pricks they are. they might well respond with some pretty insulting stuff but as guys i assure you they'll feel burned and they'll think about their humiliation afterwards. dunno why but this stuff works on guys, especially the stupid ones.
Right, I will, and see how I get on. I don't want to go down the camera route, I just want to enjoy my rides with out being hassled.
I've had comments from both single guys and guys in groups, though it is more common from guys in groups.
A few weeks ago there were 4 young guys on scooters that kept riding around me and beeping, calling out rude crap. This was on a quiet country lane. I didn't respond, but caught up with them later when they were sitting on a bridge. They started up again so I stopped, took off my sunglasses and said, "Really? I'm old enough to be your mum. Would you say this crap to your mum?"
Got typical responses "I would if she looked like you" "MILF!! MILF!!" I decided it was safer to leave then to sit around debating with a bunch of hormonal idiots, while they called nice things after me..."Sad old c*nt!! Fat ugly bitch!!" etc. etc. etc... Nice!!!!!
Last week I was followed by an old farmer in his tractor, right on my a** for about 2 miles. I couldn't figure out why he wasn't passing me - there was room and I was only doing about 15mph. Finally I stopped to let him by and he waved and shouted "Just enjoying the view...." I dunno. I didn't find that nearly as insulting as what I usually get, but still...
I'm a female cyclist who has to put up with this crap, even in rural Lincs. As guys, what do you suggest is the best action/reaction to these idiots - ignore, shout back,wave the bird....? I was physically attacked when I was younger so maybe have a bit more fear/reserve than needed but dammit!!! I ride 125-150 miles a week and am not going to let any c*nts stop me...
Sorry if this has already been brought up, (I did do a search....)