Yeah I didn't take a 'before' picture, it was a lot worse and missing some parts.
Like I said in the post you've seen I didn't know what it was and purchased on a whim. It was sold as 'blue bike'. Since buying I have no need and people have contacted me saying no less than £100 so I thought 80 with room to haggle was appropriate.
Sorry if that offends.
Unfortunately it doesn't have the badge and the serial number is not visible through the paint.
I purchased this a fair while ago and it has done one ride with me and a few on the turbo with my other half hense the lack of knowledge on it.
If you know anymore about these bikes please do share! It was purchased for her after picking out with the 'oh that's pretty' type of shopping.... Yeah, I know.
Gotchaaaaa so I should definitely get dental insurance