Dear oh dear^
What's the name of this forum? Remind me.
London Fixed Gear and Single Speed*
** Nothing else will be acceptable unless passed by a simple majority vote of the Controlling Committee in the case of a locational adjudication, or a two thirds majority vote of the Controlling Committee in the case of a gear-related adjudication. The 'Classifieds Section' of the aforementioned site may contain geared cycles without prior adjudication of the Committee, but only so that they may be 'cured' by having the gears removed.*
Ride what you like, it's your life.
all the best chaps and good night.
since I am more and more in doubts that the frame will sell here I will consider ebay.
in which case, is there a way to remove this thread? / close it? I dont want to upset anyone by having this thread going and ebay listing in the same time ...
You mean is there any way to delete this so that any potential eBay buyers who Google 'NOS Cinelli Frame' don't stumble across this car crash of a thread.
London Zoo. Get a Zebra. You can claim it's a limited edition horse.
As long as you turn up, that's the mane thing.