If your going to make this bigger and better next year which I sincerely hope you do beacuse I think it a great, fun way to make money for the charity I would seriously consider getting another web hosting provider. If they cant handle more than a few thousand hits at once or even ten thousand hits then there is going to be issues.
I personally would rather of visited a crashed site and realised it was through an unprecedented demand rather than it being opened early.
Saying all this, no one can take away what you are trying to achieve and in fact achieving for the Bikes for Africa charity. Keep up the good work, I hope one day this event is as big as the London to Brighton and I'm sure it will be.
Guys I recently posted something in a thread that a lot if not everyone took offence at. I'm not going to name the thread those who know will know and those who dont will probably be able to find out. Hopefully by posting this here I'm not breaking any more forum rules or offending any one. I just want to try and say I am truly sorry.
James B
[edit=Velocio]Distasteful shifting of blame removed from thread. The debate is allowed to be had, but there are times and places and this was neither. If people want to debate the virtues of road safety measures please do so on a thread that discusses that topic in general rather than in a memorial thread immediately after the event.[/edit]
RIP Gary Mason sad sad loss.
That Harry Perry frame was sold in July by the same guy as I was bidding.
Maybe he bid it up himself and no one bid higher? Although frame size is different now maybe the winner didnt like the size.
Not sure of a special corner in Brick Lane but have seen a few people who stand on the payment with just a bike or your see the people with other stuff on a rug worth about ten pence and a bike worth a few hundred. There was a guy with a nice white Kona road bike today near one of the stalls, startd to rain so he moved away to some scaffolding to get some cover. Not sure what he wanted for it.
There were some other guys scattered about just standing with bikes so just take a walk down there and have a look around. Didnt seem to be that many people out today because of the rain.
The DVD sellers make me laugh, surely there is not that many people buying shit DVD's to warrant all those Chinese selling them? I must have been asked by at least 7 different people and they are there every week...
Just been hit up the back side by a private cab, not once did he say sorry, I let him drop his fair off and come back and then he calls me an arse.
Whats the best way forward with this, just noticed a small cut on my leg but seem to be OK. Would like the bike checked over to make sure its not damaged. I stopped at a red light which he recons was green! Would really appreciate any advice.
Should I report to carriage office?
Not mine or any one I know but if you spot the guy is offering a reward. Would just be good to get it back to him.
Guys its a forum for discussion, what you want us to all use the fucking search instead of asking question then this site would just end up like Google for bikes no more questions just answers on the search results.
I did use the fucking search and it come up with three results none of which answered my question so I asked it. Why don't you trying being helpful to a new person and point me in the right direction?
Plus times change, maybe a new frame builder has set up shop and is doing really well, maybe he aint on any search results. Why waste your time responding if you aint going to help?
Teddy,want some help I will help out next time or this time?, your always going to get positive and negative in everything. Think of all the people your helping not us moaners!
I sent your a PM earlier. PM me back later this weekend and if you need any help on the day or organising let me know? Even if its stuffing forms into envelopes.....