I just bought a pair of these. I'm sending them back.
Right out of the packet when I opened up the fly to try them on one of the buttons flew off!
They're also supposed to be 'slim fit'. They are not. Very baggy in the thigh and knees (I don't have small thighs!) and too narrow at the ankle for roll-ups to work.Shame. I had high hopes.
Anyone interested in a pair of new, unworn, unwashed, raw selvedge denim jeans? 34W 34.5L
These were a present that sadly don’t fit. They have no labels or branding on them at all. All I know is my sister bought them in the ‘states. They seem very good quality. I’d say the cut is straight leg.
£60 + P&P
Handmade. On BBC4 right now. No music or narration. Just a man making a knife. Beautiful.
"Metal. Filmed in an industrial forge lit only by the welding torch and burning metal, this programme examines the process involved in the crafting of a steel knife. Bladesmith Owen Bush uses a variety of techniques, both ancient and modern, and takes his time over the complex skill of shaping and blending the steel into a knife."
Worth a watch on the iPlayer later if you missed it.
They've always known Palmer doesn't have the pace. Nick Chester said from the beginning (not in public) that he's just not quick enough. The Frenchies definitely want him out. I was told that Monaco was JP's last chance to prove himself. No doubt he'll be replaced pretty soon. Question is, by whom?
Kubica? Alonso?...
Agreed on the Curtis full sus.
All in all a great display of bicycle lushness.
Apologies for my shockingly poor photography skills but here is a dump of my crappy iPhone pics from Saturday:
https://flic.kr/s/aHskTNzqLQ -
Might a side point but interestingly Hamilton watches seem to feature reasonably heavily in the latest big-screen epic space films, even if their appearance was relatively subtle. Still quite a nice product placement, I thought.
Interstellar featured Hamilton watches, in which it played a integral part of the plot:
As did The Martian:
@thebrenthamtaffy Thank you so much - that's really useful!
Sounds exactly like what I'm after.
Hopefully soon I'll be in a position to have a look and try for myself/ourselves and make a decision on a purchase.
This view of Earth and its moon combines two images acquired on Nov. 20, 2016, by the HiRISE camera on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, with brightness adjusted separately for Earth and the moon to show details on both bodies. Relative sizes and distance are correct. Earth and Mars were about 127 million miles (205 million kilometers) when the photos were taken.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Univ. of Arizona -
Thanks alexis.
I have been discussing with Mrs gridds. We have decided we definitely want a genuine step through frame and a full cargo type like the Douze as it will be for transporting the kid some of the time. We also can't buy until my house move goes through which won't be until January in the New Year (hopefully)...
I appreciate all the kind offers and suggestions from everyone, thank you all.
Should have used vantablack.