I suppose they could be sulphur tuft, but I wouldn't like to say for sure.
Another early start to the season for me - two of several morels I found. Believe it or not I was working on my mushroom beds in my allotment when I found them.
And yesterday, I found a 1.5 kilo chicken of the woods, which I am going to eat a little of, and use the rest to start a patch in the garden too.
Wish me luck - I have my first race in 18 months today, I'm horrifically out of practice so I hope everything will go smoothly.
It's 8k offroad. I hope that I'll get back in less than 40 minutes based on the fact cycling has kept my fitness up but we will see. You never know what will happen on race day if you haven't trained properly!
Very hard from photos to make an identification - The last photo *could *be winter chanterelles but without having them in front of me with a guide I wouldn't like to say as they are not a species I have any experience with.
http://www.rogersmushrooms.com/gallery/DisplayBlock~bid~5721~gid~~source~gallerydefault.asp -
It should get cold enough - I'm in Poland so the frost can be very heavy, hopefully it won't get too cold for it.
Just harvested the last of my sweetcorn from my MILs house. I'm very suprised by the height of the jerusalem artichokes - more than 3 times the heigth of the sweetcorn. They are obviously not ready yet though. Anybody know why they still don't have flowers? I heard that some varieties don't flower under certain circumstances but have no idea if it is just too early or if I am one of those!
This is my allotment for next year, I spent the last few weekends digging out 3 beds - This one should end up fully in my control so I will be able to do anything I want. Really looking forward to having loads of nice veg next year.
Do we have a pianist thread?
I dream of a TV show in the style of dancing with the stars where celebrities have to show their ability to learn a new piano piece in a week. Then the public might be able to separate quality from pap.
Whilst the girl in the first video undoubtedly put loads of work into getting to where she is, it cannot be recognised as being in any way elite or even above average as far as classical pianists come.
I dream of hungarian rhapsody - I can make it through just under half of the chopin waltzes and the only rachmaninoff I can manage is prelude in C#.
I've just been given control of the family allotment - which means that although I would love the huge garden I was trying to control before I will have to let it go back to being a little wild.
My MIL did not organise the digger she had promised which has pretty much ended my contract with her to tidy up the garden.
The allotment is a fantastic substitute and is 5 mins from my house (my MIL lives 25 miles away)
It has just enough space for all the veg I need and a few trees - 2 apples, 2 plums, 2 sour cherries and a giant sick looking pear tree.Not really sure what to do with the trees as they cast quite a bit of shade over half the land. I'm sure the pear will evetually have to come down as the leaves are covered in orange spots.
The whole plot has been taken over by wild strawberries and a few flowers and luckily, even fewer weeds, so I am looking forward to clearing it for next year.
The whole channel is full of similar crap.
Maybe you could call it dumb if as an adult you opt to start going there, but I have sympathy for the poor people who are brought up to believe that it is normal and thus don't see any reason to leave.
Although I was brought up in a christian environment I was allowed enough freedom that exposure to the sane world soon brought questions into my head. For that I count myself lucky.The church in the UK is easily escapable - the same cannot be said for some American churches.
I developed the found film from the 50's today and found one usable old exposure and 4 that I shot to finish the film - I put it in rodinal 1+50 for 35 minutes and I am very suprised that the old image is quite visible. The newer exposure is also much higher quality than I expected from 50 year old film.
The film is quite sticky and very very thin - it was a bugger to get onto the reel. The edge strip reads Perutz V.
The old one
The new one
Loads of freshwater rivers have crayfish - you need to as for permission though -
http://www.environment-agency.gov.uk/homeandleisure/recreation/fishing/38051.aspxAs for specific areas - I know Dorset has some - ask the local fishermen wherever you are.
I really want to try it in Poland but I can't figure out the legal status of using traps for one and I'm not even sure of the distribution of signal crayfish so until my polish is better i am going to have to wait.
The wood decomposers are not too hard to grow at home - There are many different methods, usually using a sterilised substrate of sawdust, straw, grain supplemented with additional ingredients like flour or coffee grounds.
For this one though, I will probably see if I can do it the brutes way, without the sterilisation and sanitisation and just blend a large chunk of the mushroom with water and mix it with damp sawdust. as the mushroom is so large the mycelium will have a good chance of taking over the sawdust before an contaminants get in.
It will be a bit of an experiment, as I have only ever done it with oyster mushrooms before, so if it works out I will be quite happy.
I'm waiting for some innoculated logs to fruit sometime this season - namekos, lions mane, shitaake, enoki, maitake. I also prepared a morel bed, but it won't produce til next spring if it works, or maybe even the following spring. We will have to wait and see.
If you have some capital, it is easier to grow in your house with the sterilisation method - Try Paul Stamets books - 'growing gourmet and medicinal mushrooms' or 'the mushroom cultivator' for an idea of how to get started.