Hi guys,
I've decided to build a road bike from parts rather than buying an OTP
I was thinking about getting a campy Athena groupset... but i was wondering if it was easy to source parts when things need fixing/replacing, i don't know why but i have a feeling that it might be a pain in the arse and probably easier to get ultegra. Am i wrong?
I've only built up a track bike before, can anyone recommend a good person i can pay in cash/biscuits/sexual favours to help set it all up for me. I heard there's a guy called Chris (?) who has a shop around brick lane who will build it with you so you can learn.
Thanks for your time.
I got the headset fitted on my PX track a couple of weeks ago,
used it a couple of times and seemed fine.
When i went to change my stem today the metal bung wouldn't tighten back up properly, it's not gripping the inside of the steering tube anymore. The bolt does up tight but the whole bung can still lift right out.
Any ideas why this might be? There was a red gritty type paste on it which may have rubbed off a little?
Thanks for your help,
Just got a PX track frame, i've put it together but i'm afraid of over tightening.
Planning to be at Herne Hill on Saturday (weather permitting) Maybe someone could lend one to me for a minute then?
Thanks very much, Robin
p.s seatpost is 5nm, stem is 7nm, crank bolts are around 30-50nm, not sure about axle nuts?
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I'm new here... hope there's room for me and my lady.
- coppiThat
Cool I might come around tonight and check it out... depends if i can get out of work in time.
I'll Pm you in a second.