What Is The Transmission Mechanism Though? How Does The GPS On The Bike Tell Me Where It Is?
Original Mini Realtime GSM GPRS GPS Tracker Tracking Device TK102
@£54 on ebay.
Find a place you can conceal it on your bike. It will require a 70mm by 50mm cavity and least 20mm in depth.
GSM - GPS via satellites - send the LONG and LAT to your mobile, then you plot the co-ordinates into google earth and find your bike, mate, whatever etc.
P.S you will need to charge it everyday. So if you lose anything act on it quick.
I used to get cycle rage and go after every car that aggravated me.
But I have never sought to take on fellow two wheeler... apart from the time when the barclays bikes first came out and while jogging I always had to prove that I could run faster than them.
There is a pattern here, but it eventually landed me in A&E.
Moral: Beating people on the commute is like Batman deciding he should KILL. It makes you one of them.
To be honest, if I had the time and money I'd take all the abandoned bikes fix them up and then put them back where I found them. Mainly becuase there is always a sad story behind an abandoned bike, so sad that if you knew you'd never want to take it... ever.
... But I ain't got the time ... or the money.
Just a quick warning to any bike messengers, people leaving bikes around Mount Pleasant i.e The Apple Tree Pub, Warner Street, Elm Street. Mate told me that he saw a couple of Bike thieves trying to make off with a bike.
Bunch of teenagers on mtb's, bmx's trying to knock people from bicycles, riding towards oncoming traffic, looking for pockets to pick etc. All the way down from Park Square East through the Outer Circle past Gloucester Gate.
Usally such an easy nice route.
Take care when cycling in and around Camden.
Take extra care when locking your bike in Mornington Crescent. Saw some kids trying to nick locked bikes via leverage attacks on some of the estates around there. Warned the victims but keep your eyes peeled.
Might as well describe them.. All about 11 to 16 in a gang of four. Oldest one was white, a smoker with brown / blond hair - basically a stocky chav on a scruffy MTB. The next one looked like a young Richard Ashcroft, wearing a black hoody and bottoms on a nice black mtb/trials bike. The last two looked really Sesame Street. A little Asian/East-European kid in over-sized black garb, black beanie hat with a little mousey face on an MTB clearly to big for him. Finally a little black kid, with a green and black stripey t-shirt with denim shorts sporting a short afro - no MTB.
They were pretty content in going up four flights of stairs to target bikes, in early daylight, in full view of everyone.
P.S No racial slurs intended at all
And the law expects you to. Pedestrians have right of way on roads...
Not when there is oncoming traffic. Otherwise you would have pedestrians crossing into the road all the time and making claims.
They can only cross when it is safe to do so. Below is a statement as found in the Highway Code.
7 D. If traffic is coming, let it pass. Look all around again and listen. Do not cross until there is a safe gap in the traffic and you are certain that there is plenty of time. Remember, even if traffic is a long way off, it may be approaching very quickly.
The rule where they do have (some) priority is:
- At a junction. When crossing the road, look out for traffic turning into the road, especially from behind you. If you have started crossing and traffic wants to turn into the road, you have priority and they should give way (see Rule 170).
You MUST NOT loiter on any type of crossing.
[Laws ZPPPCRGD reg 19 & RTRA sect 25(5)]http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/TravelAndTransport/Highwaycode/DG_070108
I see suits crossing all the time, I just knock them over and throw photocopied parts of the Highcode at them... Not really.
- At a junction. When crossing the road, look out for traffic turning into the road, especially from behind you. If you have started crossing and traffic wants to turn into the road, you have priority and they should give way (see Rule 170).
Is it me or were they a bit too happy with a fobbing off?
Fair play to reporting it though; in two sense of the word.Yeah they totally got fobbed of. The whole reply seems like a generic one that gets sent out to everyone.
Yep, whatever suits you.
But I don't personally wear one because I always find them obtrusive, with glasses etc. The whole less is more thing keeps me fairly safe. If I ever fall of the hands come out first (I am very "no, not the face!"). Going down that path you'd find me in full scale body armour too because thats how safety-concious I become.
I actually saw a lady just now wearing a horse riding helmet, so whatever makes you happy.
^ @nickvonfiction Just got to do what you're comfortable with. If posting the video on here is all I was going to do, then I might keep some of my anonymity. But if I take it further, I am going to end up maybe face to face with this guy where the whole countering thing starts etc. If I post anything it can be traced back to me via the net etc. Tick follows tock and all that ;)
I assumed you got video evidence seeing what topic you've post this under?
Yeah I was just about to stick it up, but my mate (a nice lawyer) said not to circulate anything just yet as it was a company vehicle, (slander suits etc) so hold on for a while folks. Just thought I'd stick up the number plate incase it happens to anyone else.
ffs, read rhb's link
I have
Now let's make this clear, you need an imagination beyond the realm of Sections 444, 509 of the big rule book which big Lawyers look at and bend.
Have you read it, I have.
Now go and get yourself a Law degree and then come to me with ways on how the above acts can be bent and manipulated to the advantage of a victim. I can't educate you on this but can only guide you... somewhat.
The average make up of any given Jury is Mr and Miss Average, with them won over our Legal eagle is half way there. Now even if he loses the case he can put forward a notion, with friends in high places draft a bill and make even laws. Is that what you want? More LAWS ?!? Do you want to be 16 before you ride a bicycle !?!
Being a Lawyer is akin to being a Dictator, bombing people with one hand and selling them artificial limbs with another. Everybody else loses, money, time hair etc... but the white-collar's always win.
Stay classy and try to refrain from becoming over emotional. It's not helping your case.
Why would they need to do that? The school has no responsibility for an accident suffered by a child on a bike outside the school, and there is no need to ride a bike at school (other than as part of cycle training).
Riding away from school if the child falls, the parents will do fine tooth comb search of all the possible causes. With any good LLB on your speed dial, you can be sure that all avenues will be looked at and worst case scenarios waxed. Another sad eventuality is that child does not return home. Now exactly at what point does the school deny responsibility?
Time spent looking for child
Police money spent looking for child
= More rules.
It's all down to the parents, they should sign a contract with the school taking all responsibility for any injuries on or of the premises resulting from the use of the bike.
Personally though in this case, the link shows a 1 Mile route via back streets. God forbid, but anything could happen. For the Head it's a daily nightmare being held emotionally and physically accountable for a childs safety, let alone the guilt trip people send them on when something does go wrong. Someone needs to talk them out of it...
Unaccompanied and defenseless, no.
You the people, well done!