I recently swapped out these old wheels off my Holdsworth in favor of clinchers.
I know that the spokes are shot, but I wonder if anyone thinks that the hubs and/or rims are worth anything. I'd be happy to take them apart and flog them with all proceeds to the forums.
Rims: Fiamme (Italy) tubular (front 32h, rear 40h). The braking surfaces are pretty worn, the nipple holes are rusting and it would take some effort to polish the rim.
Hubs: Normandy (France) high-flange (front 32h, rear 40h). Cosmetically these are not too bad except that the branding is faint and they need a polish. They feel great to spin, but I haven't inspected the internals.
Yoyoma, first wheel-build in the making...
Ideally, I want a set of Campagnolo Nuovo Record 36h/36h high-flange hubs. There seem to be a few kicking about on ebay US, but not sure what the prices will be like yet. There seems to be a lot more low-flange campy hubs about, but I love the look of the big ones.
If anybody has something kicking about I would be totally keen.
Background: I'm attempting a wheel build for a Holdsworth Record Nuovo (1982). The current set is Normandy hubs with Fiamme tubular rims - 32h front, 40h rear. From searching around (on this forum and other sites) there seems to be little choice in 40h components, since they're now only really available for tandems. Choosing 36h/36h will open me to a much wider range of rims - at the mo I'm thinking Mavic MA3 or Velo-Orange PBP (http://www.lfgss.com/thread55051.html).
Of course any other thoughts/recommendations are welcome :) Thanks!
Hey, a question for those who recommended VO rims:
Does the braking surface take a while to wear in? Will I be squealing at every inner-city intersection for months?
I'm wondering is perhaps a milled braking surface (eg Mavic OpenPro, Mavic MA3/OpenSport) might be a better start.
Thanks again - the first attempt at wheel-building is coming along, and I've just discovered the magic of a spoke-calculator :-)
Hey all,
I am getting tired of the work that comes after puncturing tubs (3 punctures in 2 weeks) so I've decided to switch to clinchers, which I can easily repair on the side of the road. I'm looking for recommendations for clincher rims.
I currently have Normandy 32h hubs and Fiamme tubular rims, both mid-late 1970s. The bike is a 1982 Holdsworth Record Nuovo.
At the moment I'm planning to re-use the hubs in the newly-built wheels, and I'd like to find a pair of low-profile silver rims manufactured around the same year as the bike.
Any suggestions or advice for a first-time wheel composition?
Thanks in advance,
@hilarystone: I'd love to grab this one below. PM on it's way...
(23) Campione del Mundo (66) 40cm 80s No groove Very Good some marks £16 -
@jonnyrau: Great! Expect a PM in a sec...
Sorry mate, just realised the "new user" cooling off period - I can't send private messages yet. I am still keen to find out how you would handle sale of these. Please PM me with an email address I can contact, or you can reach me on a@aspope.com. Thanks!
I just received a pair of used Campagnolo Record Hubs, 36h/36h. I bought a great pair of wheels from a forum member shortly after I placed my bid, and ended up with these surplus.
Photos attached, or more photos at original ebay page http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=320618019658
I paid ~£64 total for them, so I'd be happy to take £60 in person or £65 posted (I'm not really sure how much postage would cost). Feel free to dibs (+PM) or whatever, but don't be worried if I don't reply immediately.
Original ebay description: