Hi there, Im looking for a small (48-52cm), complete single speed bike for a friend of mine who has just had her bike stolen recently.
Not to fussed about what it is, as long as it it's relatively light weight and runs in good condition.
She is looking to spend between 200-250 pounds. If you have anything that might fit this description please let me know!
Just finished the bike I have been building over the last couple of weeks for my housemate. She wanted a nice, small singlespeed bike, the Koga-Miyata Prologue frame we bought from Chips was a perfect start! The wheels were also bought on the forum, and the rest of the parts were eBay purchases...
Next up... My track frame comes back from the painters on monday, and if I have the energy after my weekend in hospital, i'll be putting it together!
what a good looking bike! and its so nice to ride!
- Oliver DisSchickt Line
- LoverpoolStreet23
- Howrad Michello
- cani Street Station
- MarlybOWEN R(ee)d
- mmccannon st.
- Crispiccadilly Circus
- Zane Chorleywood
- LaLiLuLeLondon Underground
- Truli's Hill Gate
- mc_nottinghillbula
- Fulham bROBway
- Mongrelybone
- Woolsden Green
- Latimmeehh! Road.
- Joebilee Line smith
- braker street
- richiembankment
- bikeS NOT ALLOWED destroyer
- 4Plaistow
- lardboyke Grove
- Par(ty_paul)sons Green
- Psy-cle Line
- Strip My Moorgate
- Middleofnowhereton Crescent
- JACKFLAshadwell
- SHAWditch...
- AlDgAte Place
- AlDgAte East (the boyfriend)
- victoria libre
- BlueQueensway.
- upstartminster
- St CrazyJames's Park
- blind dan (i can't really make a good tube analogy with my username)
- chalfont and JAHtim er
- Golders Hugreen ( and I mean that most sincerely folks)
- Kirtburn Park
- david H
- Nurse Holloway Road
- Hauska (+ Bird)
- timmy and the lords of the underground
- Chadwell
- Brother's Lane
- Mornington Crishen(t)
- Dalston Someday
- David Sexual Ealing Broadway
- Hanged_Upminster
- Crimphamson Junction
- Hakiney downs
- Ivandaterripol street
- StepAmy Green
- arniham common
- leystons888ne
- marcola
- KRingZ cross
- Skullyer's Wood
- Russellkibeats Square - First timer, whoooohooo
- Cutty Sarkthroat
- richokingsbury
- velogate.
- izgardam common
- Mansion Haus
- Actony Town
- bowroadieanddoyle
- Digstrict Line
- Antonzi
- Babarican
- kisu_shimo Green
- Isle of 2 dogs (now called Canary Whoof)
- EvansWare Road
- Afternoonington Crescent
- Rabroke Grove
- owee
- t-4003
- PontoonDuck
- St Juji's Park (might bring a friend too)
- Goldjawk Road
- Bayveoswater
- Marcabene
- R_dy
- mAIDA vale
Hi, yes that sounds good to me.
If you could send me a picture and also we are Camberwell/Peckham based so maybe she could try it out seeing as I'm not sure exactly what measurements would fit her.
What price are you looking for?