@MrBRM you got a picture of the cranks? Thinking of converting bike 3 to geared
@user76651 got mine from ebay.
So popped on last week and picked up a decent saddle for £5 and needed An inner gear cable which they Wanted £1 do gave them a bit extra. Had a clear out today and took some good stuff down for them to sell. Spotted a set of zondas with what looks like nearly new gp4000 on and skewers. Wear indicator still visible £30.....bargain. had a poke around and they have a giant cadex and a GT mtb, various wheels. Wife isn't happy but 30£ what is there to lose....the cadex looks good and it's £350 or offers .....must resist
@MichaelHardcore can you pm instead of dragging up any old post that has a alter stem in?
Tickets booked for speedfest in June.
http://Www.incredible18.Co.uk -
No I don't HAVE to, but as I'm getting on then a geared bike might be handy.