it does neatly demonstrate a particularly useless impulse indulged by some leftists to whitewash the mistakes/misdeeds of past socialist projects. there was a very good recent twitter thread by black socialists of america about exactly this and how leftists should avoid attaching themselves too uncompromisingly to revolutionary figures of the past.
I guess it's indicative of a left that has always been forced to defend itself against stupid red-scare propaganda and other capitalist realism drivel. there's often a totalising element to these attacks from the right which perhaps leave some on the left believing they too must defend in totality. in reality it's quite counter-productive and we ought to have the confidence by now to rise above it.
and obviously there's a conversation to be had about responses to crime in a socialist society - that ain't it, though.
Honestly mate you're fighting a straw man here. Nobody disagrees that there have been instances of anti-semitism in the party, nor that they should be taken very seriously. It is not inconsistent with this to also argue that the issue is being weaponised by powerful forces in resistance to a growing leftist movement.
Corbyn is clearly not an antisemite. To label him such is to render the term pretty near meaningless.
nope it's going over my head i'm afraid. you can try to make popcorn out of this all you like but try playing the ball rather than the player and actually counter one of my statements.
anyway if you can hate trump without also hating mccain it's hard for me to undestand why you hate trump.
now get back to hating trump - the world needs the #resistance!
this is the problem with the centrist liberal trend of attaching yourself to politics without ideology. everything becomes relative to the point of being meaningless. One day you're gaily cheering Obama's victory and then you blink and suddenly you're defending John McCain because he wasn't quite as horrible as some of those other horrible republicans.
what do you actually believe in? civility in politics? what politics? ask yourself some questions. you can accuse people of being ultra-partisan or whatever but at least i'm able to follow my position back to some kind of consistent ideological platform.
positions i've taken in this thread:
- racism and the use of racist slurs is bad without exception
- US imperialism has taken and ruined the lives of millions of people around the world and should be curtailed
- john mccain was not a good person
do you disagree with any of those things? if so then i'm sorry mate but i'm happy to leave you behind.
- racism and the use of racist slurs is bad without exception
when did I call anyone a cunt? you can write off left politics as "scorched earth/zero-sum" but i'm not ready to drop my distain for so-called public servants who spend their careers deliberately worsening people's lives as a matter of principle.
kicker is McCain did apparently very publicly call his wife a cunt, but perhaps she was one i didn't know her.
totally. it's amusing to read the attempts at justifying McCain's awful record in the rag on Trump thread of all places.
this liberal obsession with civility and principle is an interesting Trump-era phenomenon, though. apparently now acting with principle is enough to forgive even the most awful crimes. perform with a bit of basic human decency towards your fellow bourgeois lizard overlords and your misdeeds will be celebrated by every centrist around.
we've lost all sense of the meaning of service to the public if McCain can be considered, without irony, a public servant.
save some of that boot for me!
seriously though you don't know me or my politics. I have plenty of time for nuance but best-worst-ism is not that. McCain would only deserve praise in contrast to the horror of the extremist Republican party. He was a run of the mill free market neocon bastard who just happened to be good on the telly and enjoyed trolling the president. Liberals and their idols, man.
Politics is big boy stuff and these guys play with real people's lives. All I'm saying is that the world would have been better off without John McCain - his occasional ineffectual grandstanding does not exonerate him.
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