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**Sorry guys - going to have to postpone this. I've just been out on the route (on foot) and it's just plain dangerous - mainly due to using some backroads. Couple that to the shitty weather forecast - I just don't think it'll be a pleasant or fun experience.
no fixed route - a list of checkpoints, a spoke card and an optional map (rough at best) will be available on the day plus pic of my wife who is the finish marshal! - although she isn't finnish!
as always you don't need to do ALL of the checkpoints. the winner will be the one that completes the most in the shortest time and will get some sort of token.
9th January here :
At the fountain on St James street
The idea for this one will be like a supermarket sweep - the checkpoints will
mostly be items of food etc from unique stores around Brighton which will then
be re-distributed at the end of the race to the homeless shelter in st James
street.A bit of a chance to have some fun and do some good followed by beers/polo/sillyness
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'Helter-Shelter"9th January here :
At the fountain on St James street
The idea for this one will be like a supermarket sweep - the checkpoints will
mostly be items of food etc from unique stores around Brighton which will then
be re-distributed at the end of the race to the homeless shelter in st James
street. A bit of a chance to have some fun and do some good.Spoke-card nearly done!
Will come up with a new date shortly....