If you intend on hiring a scooter, definitely get an international driving licence. The police in Goa will definitely stop you and ask for this on a regular basis. If you don't have it they expect money or they threaten to confiscate your scooter. It was the only downside to what is otherwise a beautiful place with lovely, friendly, giving people. Also, avoid the locally brewed Kingfisher. It's brewed with glycerol and will give you an upset stomach.
where do you plan on putting them?
i'd be a bit worried mounting them to the bike unless you run big tires at a low pressure
road buzz/vibrations will ruin the footage
helmet, head gear or body mounted would be a better optionatb
I think the best and only place is mounted on a helmet. Just trying to find the right helmet now. Saw a 'Bell' branded helmet in Lock7 today that actually fitted my head for £35. Looked perfect for the job. Mounted on the bike will fuck the footage.
Just ordered 2 of the MD80's with 2 MicroSD cards for a front and back facing, jury friendly, justice serving solution. I feel better about cycling again already.
It's great because it not only helps me with hard evidence if I need it, it could help others in front or behind me too, something I'm gonna be only too willing to help with if needed.
I no longer acknowledge them. On the occasions I have, they're usually generally ignorant, aggressive or both. Usually both. I've decided to try and maintain my concentration 100% on the road in front of me now in these situations. Focussing my valuable attention on fucking ignorant cunts that don't give a fuck whether I live or die has been a dangerous waste of energy in my experience. The more I cycle, the more I experience it. I feel a lot more intimidated on the roads now than I did when I started cycling. But I'm fucked if I'm gonna hug a line of parked cars because some cunt wants to get home 40 seconds sooner. Fuck 'em I say and assert yourself, it's your right to protect yourself on the road.
aye, on tanner street - I clocked it was the shoot 'cos of all the bikes
Sounds like it probably is the shoot. The van you're looking at is a truck load of bikes that get specifically hired out for this kind of thing from a dedicated company. They're being used as non specific 'background bikes' and aren't individually owned. Luckily she found this hire place at the last minute. Think they're from up north somewhere.
Did anyone loan their bike for this, they're shooting it outside the office I'm working at - there's a horrific bike pile in the back of the van - if you did, check for scratches etc
No bikes were loaned by forum members. A big thanks for all the replies though.
@BDW - I take it you're working somewhere in Southwark or by London Fields then?
I have the schwinn but its blue not red. and i have other 60's/70's shoppers/step through etc etc like in the list
Ok thanks JD. Sounds really useful. I'm sure colour wouldn't be an issue on the Shwinn. If you have any pics of your bikes you could send them to my GF - she'll def get back to you in a couple of days with a hire price.
Dibs on the black, far left. PM'd you.