PRICE DROP - A bunch of stuff to clearout, all bike parts are well used but still in working order. See descriptions and pics.
Collection SW16 or possibly Cannon Street.- Deep V Rim on Systems Ex track Hub, well used but running smooth and true. Plenty of marks on the rim. Nuts are rusty but can easily be replaced. PRICE DROP
-£15 - SOLD Surly 1/8”x17t Track Sprocket and Locking. Well used but decent condition. SOLD
- Seatpost - no idea of the make, as pictured. £FREE
- SOLD - Dirt Harry Brake Level - well used. SOLD
- SOLD - Tools in good condition - BBB Multihook bracket tool, unbranded chain whip and BBB Headfix BTL-56 headset wrench 32/36 - SOLD
- Deep V Rim on Systems Ex track Hub, well used but running smooth and true. Plenty of marks on the rim. Nuts are rusty but can easily be replaced. PRICE DROP
I have a few items for sale from £10 to £60, ALL items are as new - literally used only once. All are in perfect condition, no damage at all. Items for collection in E3/SE1 or will consider delivery if convenient. If you think a price is unreasonable, give an offer and explanation - I had a brief but not exhaustive look online for brand new prices as a guide.
- Manfrotto 728B Digi Tripod with carry case - £SOLD
Closed length: 51.5cm
Minimum height: 48.5cm
Maximum height: 164.5cm
Maximum height (with center column down): 133cm
Weight: 1.75kg
Load capacity: 3.5kgmore info here
Cokin P 121 L (ND2) filter - £15
Cokin P 121 M (ND4) filter - £15
Cokin P 121 S (ND8) filter - £15
ALL filters come with an individual case (see pics).
Cokin P Series Filter Holder - £10
67mm Adaptor to fit Filter Holder to standard Nikon 67mm lenses - £10
- Manfrotto 728B Digi Tripod with carry case - £SOLD
All bits for collection E9 Hackney evenings and weekends, SE1 Southwark area during the day. Within reason can deliver some items. No postage.
Bike Bits;
Funny Riser Bars, plenty of scratches, 40cm (give or take). - Free
Abus lock. Not sure of the model or if its much good, says 47/150hb on it. Given to me for free, passing on the free-ness.
Halo Aerotrack, black, 32h. Didnt sell on another thread at £20 (). Bought new here - http://www.bikesyoulike.co.uk/product/6494/Halo_Aerotrack_rim Down to £15. Collection Only
OT Bits - Desktop PC parts/pieces;
Arctic Cooling Freezer 7 Pro v2 CPU FAN bought here - http://www.scan.co.uk/Products/Arctic-Cooling-Freezer-7-Pro-v2-S1366-A1156-S775-AM3-AM2plus-AM2-939-Up-to-130-Watts! £10
600W STORM PSU SATA/PCIE Silent Fan bought here - http://www.scan.co.uk/Products/600W-Storm-Black-120mm-Silent-Fan-ATX-plus12v-V20-PCI-E-SATA £15
Coolermaster tower unit - old desktop case i've had for a few years with DVD-RW Drive. - Free.
any budding mechanics?? had my bike upside down, giving it a bit of a clean/check over, turn it the right way up again and it seems to have developed a very noisy headset. sounds like what i imagine jaws from the bond film to sounds like when he grinds his teeth. fearing ball bearings but seems a bit sudden so maybe some grit somehow?
not got the tools or the patience to remove and check the headset. any ideas?
Sainsbury's Ed is making a little in-joke about his legendary arrival on this here forum, on an earlier run to Southend. You can be regaled with this in detail on the ride. It's a good un.Ah, i look forward to the story then! Thanks for letting me know. That could easily have been a real cruel stitch up - 'Oh yeh, you know the BP garage just on 'x' road - meet us there at 8:15'.
8:15...8:20....8:25...... where are they??
We will meet the basketball/polo courts just north of BG road on Brick Lane. Best off just coming there. But our route will take us through Viccy Park, along the north east side from the Inn on the Park along to the Wick A12 junction. Not advisable trying to meet us on the way, unless you're in close phone contact with someone at the start to let us know you're there.
Polo courts it is - see you there.
Pic here - http://goo.gl/SkjN9z