i know this is a longshot. but i am in **bournemouth **every week day for the nxt 3 months, and basically, i am DESPERATE to have a bike here. any chance of a loan?? i ride a 20"frame, anything smaller will be fine, or slightly bigger. just there is no way i can get mine down here for the time im visiting, and, even thought its my first day, i can tell how agitaved im getting without one.
PM me if any chance of.
(im by the sea ront)
gold and black really does it for me.
fuck that. life's too short for fugly bikes.
just make sure you use good locks. and that your ride is insured.
^^look into being able to take your bike into work with you, have reception hold it something if youre worried about having it outside.i left my bike chained up outside for the first time last night, i was crapping myself all night and kept going to check on it even though it was locked to a motorbike, and under a cover, in someones garden.
just found out today, that as of the 27th i'm going to be in Bournmouth with work for a minimum of 12weeks. Is anyong on here from down there? Or can anyone suggest some good places to go? I'm going to know 1 person when i'm down there :|I hope they let me take my bike, especially seeing as i just got it on the road.
erm, i sprayed it?