If you are paying someone ONLY £50 for it, then I would immediately assume it is too good to be true and therefore broken or stolen. That frameset and bits must be worth more than £50.. unless you know the seller.
Im sure somewhere on page one i had said that the seller was my mates dad. He apparently bought it for a grand a year ago, but because he has a newer one he didnt need this trek.
I dont know how much its actually worth now, depreciation and age, reason why i opened this thread but after 3 pages I still haven't had a reply.
No wonder this forums 'going down hill' -
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well as far as im concerned, this is just a forum, not a socialising network.
not done in school mate, Got a welder at my mates house. You end up with something like this:
http://www.halfords.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product_storeId_10001_catalogId_10151_productId_184185_langId_-1_categoryId_165521 -
Some of you know im trying to pick up a roadie;
And here are the actual pictures of what im picking up next week:
How much is it worth today?
Actually, thinking back at it, there was a point to the thread because i was asking you doyles how much it was actually worth.
I wish one could spell a little better. the word "hussled" is meant to be spelt "hustled"