I'm fine. i just pulled myself out of his way as quick as possible.
Not sure, at the previous lights he was beeping before they'd gone green and then came past about 10cm from me. These lights I was position infant of him, so he couldn't zap past me and try to knock me off. I turn around and threw my hands in the air and asked what he had been beeping for, so he started shouting and swearing out of his window. Turned around as I couldn't be bothered with an idiot did then as the lights change I hear him revving and then slamming into me, so I get out of his way and phone the police.Silly little man.
It seems to me that this sort of thing is happening a lot more recently or at least reports of it happening.
Some sort of underlying societal rage fed to the perpetually angry by C'sOTHO like the Daily Mail, Clarkson etc of some mythical crazed cycling menace...?
I was holding primary for a right hand turn yesterday prior to being aggressively revved at by some asshole in a black hatchback (always a black hatchback for me) then forced kerbward as it seemed apparent I was going to be driven over if I didn't do otherwise then was recklessly overtaken. Then said asshole had to slam on his brakes to make the same right turn I was preparing to make and then got stuck straight into a massive line of stationary traffic. Winner.
Also (and this probably should be housed in another thread) but why are so many people cycling with no fucking lights?
Phone the non emergency police number and report it. They'll know all the cctv.
...just called them and t hey said to go into a local police station and report it and they can check the cctv...fingers crossed for a positive result on this one....also a good excuse to nip out from work at lunch time tomorrow.
fucking hell, I ride by there (on the lower slip roads) often. hope no-one badly hurt although it sounds serious for whoever was in the car. hope you get some results with your CCTV search too.
yeah it didn't look too good from a distance though i didn't really examine too closely as i had had quite enough road carnage for one morning.
i managed to mash my way home in one piece in 53-12. good news is that i now have beer beside me and i popped into the LBS and and they did a proper check on the frame for alignment - all good - so now just need a replacement rear mech.
Looks like there are a few cameras at that intersection...some way up on high poles so not sure what they see but nonetheless I will be on the rampage with whatever sketchy local authority covers poplar high street..."it could have been been the beloved offspring of local council employees crossing that junction etc etc"...
Also, did you manage to see what type of car it was? Perhaps there aren't too many of this type around and the police might be able to trace it without a number plate.
hmmm im not really much of a car guy so wouldn't know it...other than it was a black, low, boy-racery style hatchbatch with a class A prick driving it. To be honest it all happened so fast, I willed my (by then) road level eyes to catch the number plate but alas it just got smaller and smaller as it went into the distance, like the bottom of the eye test chart. I will chase up the the cops and local council...but not holding my breath.
cheers for the advise etc...wish some of my fellow road sharers were as considerate...ie. all the car drivers who were waiting at the lights who saw it happen. It makes me despair for humankind sometimes. I don't need an ambulance or anything but a simple..."you alright mate"...wouldn't hurt would it.
cheers Sparky
I'll have a looksee at the intersection on the way home. Will let ya'll know if I have any luck. As an aside, right near my work (in Canning town which is not a part of London I enjoy - major shitehole)...a car had launched itself/been launched off an overpass (A13 I think) onto a slip-road below, multiple fire engines/ambulances in attendance. Sunday mornings eh. Methinks empty roads make people think they are on a closed race track or something. Stay safe out there.
v. close call to the reaper on commute to work this morning – still shaking now to be honest.
I was waiting at a red light circa 7am,(full green man flashing) enjoying the fresh morning air…a couple of cars at the perpendicular junction (i.e. to my right) idling waiting for their light. I get the green light and pull away…hear a massive revving to my right…look right and see some lowered, black hatch-back boy racery type sh!tbox, flying towards me at (I’m guessing here) but what felt be close to 50mph. I slam on my brakes as if I keep going I am dead…flip the handlebars, sprawl the pavement…car flies past (what felt like about 2 feet in front of me) and off into the distance…I looked up to get a plate but no luck. This guy ran a straight red at high speed…there was no amber coming or going…jesus I still feel sick. Really can’t be arsed with work now.
What almost annoyed me more than the prick who effectively tried to murder me is the way all the cars waiting at the lights nonchalantly drive off as though nothing whatsoever happed.
No injuries to me…but I have bent my rear mech hanger and will now have to pull 107 gear inches home. Annoyingly I took my road bike into work as I was gonna go for a nice long cycle this afternoon…day effectively runined before its even begun.
I’m gonna check on the way home to see if there is any CCTV in this area…if there is is there any way to move forward with this???
Also as a sidenote…the reason I pulled the brakes was that I “heard” this car. Glad I never have and still don’t and never will cycle with headphones.
Was on Bethnal Green Road a few hours ago when I saw a guy get off a bike at a corner shop opposite KFC...a ladies bike. He was about 30, stoned and in a track suit. Basic scumbag.
He went in to buy rizla so I waited outisde beside the bike in sight of him. He came out and I did the whole "who did you buy this bike off" spiel and said that it was my girlfriends (I, sadly, do not have a girlfriend).
He said he bought it from Brick Lane (he was clearly lying) for £60, an amount exactly half what I guessed he paid for it when he refused to say how much he bought it for...
I said the bike was stolen last week (from us) last week, and that the police were on the way (they weren't), that the bike was marked and he needed to wait.
He was talking shit about showing him a receipt and I just smiled and made it seem like I was happy for him to be talking as the 5-0 were on the way. When he started getting agitated I said I didn't want any trouble but I wasn't going to let him leave with the bike - it was mine, it was stolen and the police would sort. My favourite cousin then appeared and I was concerned that if anything kicked off and she got hurt I would be responsible...
I said to the thief I'd give him £20 for the bike and he'd have to eat his £40 loss, that all bikes sold on Brick Lane are stolen. That I was paying the £20 so I wouldn't have to wait for and deal with the police. He said fine, took the money and left.I've searched the thread for the bikes model name and found nothing. If anyone knows of a ladies two tone blue and white Raleigh with white saddle that was stolen PM me.
(I'm concerned about posting images/ description here in case someone false claims it, is that being silly?)
Batman - is that you?
anyone know of a good group ride going on this Saturday?
Tis my first weekend off work for 3 weeks and i wont get another for 3 more, so thought i would make an effort to get out for a long ride and thought it might be worth trying out a club ride for the first time, but notice most clubs head out for Sunday rides. I however will in all likelihood have self-induced liquid-related weakness issues come Sunday AM, so Saturday would suit best. If anyone knows of anything going or could point me in any direction that'd be grand? Cheers
on the red light front..I used to jump them a bit at minor junctions/ped xings etc, but since ceasing and desisting this practice I find a greater sense of calmness to my morning commute. I no longer have to decide should I/shouldn't I when I approch a light. I just don't - and even better I can do little internalised tuts to myself as the RLJ's wobble through, nothing like occupying the moral high ground, real or imagined..
On a different note of hopeless cycling (that should have been set to the Benny Hill music) I was following about 20m behind a 50-something Bromptonian this morning on CS3 who pulled straight through a give way off a little feeder cycle lane (onto Poplar High St heading east - I think?) straight into the path of a fairly rapidly moving and quite large South African on a hybrid. Collision was inevitable, but fortunately Mr Hybrid had lightning reactions and jammed the brake, however unfortunately he only got a fistful of front brake and sommersaulted the handlebars landing at the Bromtonian's feet. As Mr Hybrid stood up and suggest that perhaps the Bromptonian shoud have given way...the Brompton guy said (and this is a direct quote) - "you've got very good brakes"...the whole thing was very awkward as both guys seemed quite nice and not really the argumentative type . No injuries or damage seemed to be sustained to either party so I cycled on but it definitely made the morning commute.
going for a test ride on a caad10 105 this weekend...but geez this canyon is tempting... http://www.canyon.com/_uk/roadbikes/bike.html?b=2503
...although no test ride possible....but some serious components for the price...
phone her I reckon, harder to ignore a call than an email. She's probably just being lazy hoping it'll go away if she doesn't follow it up.
I got taken out about 18mths ago by a car turning across me into a side road right as i was going straight ahead..typical "sorry mate i didn't see you"...i was so glad to be alive i didn't properly check my bike or get any details, just wondered off in a daze to find out later my frame was completely fucked...so you did well to at least get a number, name and email.
sweet...i notice on your bike in london bridge have a goodly amount on CAAD10's of all sizes/specs...anyone dealt with them on the past...also if i could gt dura-ace is it worth an extra £300?...im fairly sure i could get a 105 CAAD10 for about 1100...or else maybe a frameset, SRAM rival gset and a crash course in road bike building?
also anyone know where you could get a ride on a CAAD10? I'm thinking Evans stock them...maybe I should give them a call and see if they have any floating around in-store that I could trial. But then if I don't buy from Evans would that make me a bad person??...I could say it is be sticking it to the man but interweb undercutters are probably worse than Evans...
Those CAAD10's are amazing.
If you do end up getting one the ones from Westbrook Cycles have never been so much as looked at let alone set up (the box it comes in will not have been opened since it left the factory).
All good if you're competent enough to sort it yourself, if not budget in taking it to a shop to get it sorted.cheers for the heads up on that. I could do a full build on single speed pretty quick by myself these days having built up a couple over the years but gears would be a whole other thing though, and not sure I would want to be as avant-garde as I was in the past with a £1700 bike...but it does sound a hell of a nice bike.
hey all,
Long time no post.
Well I have finally accepted that my long suffering right ankle will no longer suffer the torment of long distance running, unfortunately my body/mind still has other ideas thusly i am thinking of adding to my existing squad of 1 singlespeed commuter by getting a nice road bike for long rides with a view to getting into a bit of racing and/or triathlon etc as I can still thrash a fairly decent 10km running time and not drown and at heart I'm still a dumb-ass competitive male...anyway this is a very longwinded (i.e. justification-ary) explanation for asking whether I would be stupid for considering something such as this (CAAD10):
or for another £300 in dura-ace...(I know for sure I don't need dura ace but the price diff. is pretty minimal considering):
http://www.cannondale.com/gbr/2012/bikes/road/elite-road/caad10/2012-caad10-1-dura-ace-19991I am moving to Australia at the end of the year and things are always way more expensive down in the antipodes so thought it may be money well spent. Or would I be better off to buy something solid but unspectacular for £500?
Or something else completely? Something more practical - perhaps:
http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?hl=en&safe=off&biw=1777&bih=887&tbm=isch&tbnid=PyfRwA2fixFpaM:&imgrefurl=http://www.methodshop.com/2007/10/10-stupid-bike-hacks-pics.shtml&docid=wpmfgY75N9HlMM&imgurl=http://www.wired.com/images/slideshow/2007/10/gallery_bike_hacks/cartbike.jpg&w=580&h=395&ei=t1cQUIbiCKmJ0AWir4DQBA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=162&vpy=143&dur=11933&hovh=184&hovw=271&tx=90&ty=48&sig=105241548934722254904&page=1&tbnh=122&tbnw=160&start=0&ndsp=49&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0,i:70 -
Note the report quotes posts from here.
farken journalists are hopeless these days. Not to question the impeccable standards of lfgss but WTF are they teaching these kids at journalism school. These journalists are now no more than glorified bloggers. It is not in anyone's interest to publish unverified/unverifiable information hoovered up from twitter and internet forums to pad out a story, and could be potentially be very upsetting for those close to the people involved.
but used the crappy bike lane that goes through the underpass as I don't think Vauxhall Cross is safe enough to cycle round at peak traffic. Too many people gunning for orange lights and changing lanes at the last minute.
I saw the person in question, near the lights leading on to Vauxhall Bridge, covered in red blanket, face down, being looked at by Ambo guys. Gut feeling was that it looked very bad to be honest - fingers crossed for a positive result.
Hi there,
I am finally getting around to selling this frame which I have had lying around for a couple of years. I had it built up as a single speed, and it rode very well, but was slightly too large for me. When I originally got the frame I removed the horrid orginal fluoro green paint job and gave it a coat of primer and a rattle can black paint job. Would be a good around town beater.
The frame size is as follows:
Top Tube - 570mm centre seat tube-centre head tube
Seat Tube - 580mm centre bottom bracket-centre top tube,
Seat Tube - 600mm centre bottom bracket-top of top tube.
If you are interested give me call/email.
Cheers Simon