I'm going on Tuesday.
Staying in downtown Manhatten.Anyone got any recommendations for bike stuff or craft ale houses?
Along with other cultural pursuits.The Pony Bar in Hell's Kitchen on 10th avenue 45th street is well worth a visit, truly vast range of craft ales from reasonably strong to silly strong. Found myself having to have a few tactical ciders to enable prolonged ale appreciation.
Diagonally opposite corner of the block on 46w St and 11 is the Landmark Tavern, 5th oldest pub in NYC, reminded me of a proper old booze. They brew their own ale and lager, one of each. Friendly landlord and barman, great food too. Highly recommended, would love to be back there.
Down in Greenwich, iirc, is another great pub: Swift Hibernean Lounge, dark wood, hugh ceilings, great selection of ales, beers, whisky. Find it on 34 east 4th, this is the pub where I found my favourite beer on draught at full bottle strength, Adnams Broadside. I was so surprised I had to keep pinching myself that I was actually drinking Broady in NYC.
Have a great time, it's an amazing place.
Two bright, slightly dipped front lights (Cateye Uno) with a strobe (Knog) and 3M white reflective strips around forks.
Cateye TL-LD600 on constant, Smart 1w Superflash x2 on pulse either side of brake calipers, and again 3M reflective tape (red) around chainstays at various points.
Rear wheel spoke mounted strobe (red)
Black (shines white) 3M reflective tape around top, down, and seat tubes.
Full 360 visibility, gaugable velocity, no excuses. Inner city commute.
Rikki, I'm interested in the wheelset, if still available.