Depends on your job doesn't it? If you've got to go and build houses or something you're gonna be pretty damn tired. If you're a lazy IT geek then you get 8 hours solid sitting on your arse recovery.
Lab work, half lazy, but keeps the legs moving - prevent siezing up! :)
I think the only thing which would bugger me there is the work in the middle, you will be up for really long hours too which will drain all your energy.
But best of luck mate, let us know how you get on.
yes, if im up from 4, and asleep by 8pm, i get 8 hours sleep still :)
I am almost certain that you will bugger yourself, for which I applaud you!
If your goal is to improve fitness and performance, I would recommend a rest day in the middle to allow some recuperation. But then, I'm not sure that that is your goal.
week of death starts 22nd march.
i will use next week to time the ride a few times. -
I would train to get fit enough to attempt a regime like that.
Are you doing flat miles or hills? Circuits or different routes?
Maybe i didn't elaborate too much, I'm fit enough to do it, it will be a challenge though - the distance is one thing, holding down the job at the same time is ofcourse going to make it really hard.
it is a very hilly route i would say, with a couple of long climbs, its out south of birmingham, and there are some challenging sections, most definately not flat -
Unless you are a pro road rider that isnt 'training' for anything.
What are you actually intending to train for?
intending to train: for fun. I know its not training for anything, I just fancy it.
400 miles in a week is nothing spectacular in itself. I have done more but only after a long period of training and then focusing everything on the ride and not going to work.
I know, i have done much furthur in a week, when not working.
Training is pointless unless you are training for something and doing 'one). weeks of intensive training' will either piss you off or damage your body. ).
as long as i don't damage my body, and i only piss myself off, then thats ok.
Riding a bike, in the main, is just like walking and anybody can do long distance providing they eat well beforehand, eat and drink frequently on the ride and travel at a pace they find comfortable.
that was more the kind of stuff I was looking for,
but i guess i know a lot of the answers already.Oh well, sounds like its generally considered pointless or a bad idea - I'll let you know how it goes
I'm planning a week, of what I'm gonna go out on a limb and say, is 'intesive' cycling, for me anyway.
I'm used to long distance and endurance, but due to the weather so far this year and me being a pussy, I haven't even started doing any significant riding.
so next week, i was going to throw myself into gear, by doing a 40 mile cycle, before work, and after work, each day for 5 days, 400 miles in 5 days, with my full time job in scientific research for 8 hours inbetween.
Unfortunately, I think this means (as i need to leave for work at half 7, so i get up at half 6) that i'm gonna have to get up and head out shortly after 4am, to complete the distance and get back in good time. I already have a route, that will no doubt become mind numbingly boring.
has anyone else ever tried this? any advice? I guess im just going to have to accept that i'm going to be like the living dead at work every day, going to be eating Continuously, and probably going to bed after my dinner at about 7:30 pm
i'm excited though :D
I know this isnt the best way of going about things,
but i have a boring life, and i like to try things like this
and hopefully, after a week, i'll be knackered, and back on track to start training :D -
Bit of a question for Jammy, hope you swing by this thread:
I'm mainly an electric player, les paul fanatic, but I'm lookin to get an acoustic, just for chording around on really, and a bit of slide perhaps.
I learnt to play guitar on a really old heavy Kay acoustic which is now beyond repair, and played a yamaha f-something or other, worth around £200 quid for years. I actually had no complaints about the Yamaha, i thought it was a good sounding well built guitar.
and without the input of anyone else, to be honest im tempted just to go to the guitar shop and pick up whatever yamaha i can afford for about £300- although, my budgets always become much more flexible when i see something really nice.
Are there any brands or even particular models you would recomend at this kind of level of spend ? Im just looking for something nice sounding, I cant really describe the tone i like in an acoustic, something rich in bass, but nice and bright and clear at the same time -
can you recomend looking at anything in particular before i just settle for a Yam, which im sure i'd be perfectly happy with.tone and quality over looks always
currently has bullhorns, nobrakes,
but comes included with hipster width risers, front brake caliper and lever, a rear brake caliper, a pair of spd pedals, mismatched wheels and tyres, cant remember what they are, 2 stems- its for someone who is going to put a bit of work in really, needs a headset for definate - i don't use it anymore, decided i prefer gears and road shoes! -
very nice jammy, im not usually into stuff like that, but when you see a good quality piece of wood and craftsmanship you can't deny it
are you a proffessional luthier? is that your job?
im sure its probably like asking, how long is a piece of string, but... what kind of price range do you custom build acoustics within?
The THD hotplate is a much lower quality item for twice the price, as far as i can figure.
It uses resistors, whereas the weber uses an actual speaker motor (magnet minus the cone) and splits your signal between your 'real' speakers and its 'dummy speaker load' creating a more realistic attenuation, rather than a bunch of cheap resistors which just get really hot,
also THD in their narrowmindedness, make you buy separate models for 8 ohm, 4 ohm, 16 ohm set ups etc...
The Weber is switchable between all three, and so can be used with virtually any head and cab, or any combo... 3 hot plates for the price of half a hotplate !
Atleast, thats what i can figure from reading the various blurb about each item...
lol yes the EVA is very very nice,
some people joke about amps being so loud they will attract attention from the police...but on sunday i cranked the amp in my apartment whilst my only direct neighbours were out, and heard a loud knocking at the door after 20 minutes of playing, had to explain myself to two disgruntled police officers - although they did say it sounded good!
weber attenuator on order.
honestly do it. its worth 1k imo.
i spoke to dennis about the rattle issue over the phone once. the cabinets are made elsewhere i believe, and apparently there was a batch of 20 back pannels which were the wrong size and created a slight rattle. i spoke to a guy who bought one of those. he called dennis and the next day he had a new one delivered. dennis is a super efficient guy and always makes sure his customers are 100 percent happy with the amps.
the amp wipes the floor with any fender amp, even the expensive hand wired ones i tried. i couldent be happier. ive had metal head friends of mine turn around and say "that is the nicest guitar sound ive ever heard."
trust me you will not be disappointed. i will never sell this amp. sorry.
if you buy one and dont like it, you can punch me. twice.haha brilliant, absolutely sold on the idea now... damn peter green, costing me a fortune.
I'll let dennis know that i was talked into it on a fixed gear cycling forum!?
i have one. its the nuts. its one of the new ones with A B C AND D output stages.
one of my favorite amps.someone buy something;
http://www.lfgss.com/thread37882.htmlCool man, have you had any problems with it? Some of the reviews mention a vibration of the cab on certain frequencies, which isn't really acceptable for £1000 ! The guy who makes them sounds nice enough, but courriering an amp to and from southend could get pricy if it needs to go back for something silly...
im pretty much sold on the idea, the only alternative in the price range really is a deluxe reverb reissue at £800, packed full of printed circuit boards and put together in a factory... i much prefer the idea of the cornell, its just Convincing myself i need one !!!
I naively offered a guy who failed to sell a used one on ebay £400 quid, he rejected, with hindsight i should have offered more
wanna sell!? :D
the only good place for records was reddingtons !,
then it moved, and the staff got cranky
got my first kiss LP there