Around £860 for the frameset (complete bikes from £1600), witch is actually quite cheap compared to the much similar Bilenky Cargo produced in the US witch is aprox £1500 for the frameset (at least with Danish vat and tax). Compared to the Bilenky, this one have more aggressive angles and a lower rack, and therefore easier to handle under loads.
It can hold a lot of beer on that rack!
Yup those look great. So does the mini model.
I have been riding a prototype of the mini one for work, very interesting bike as well, handles almost like a track bike with the short wheelbase, and very stable under heavy loads. I think the first batch of serial produced mini's will arrive sometime during the summer.
It's a light cargobike with aggressive handling, great for courier work. Made in Denmark by messenger champion Jumbo, mine is currently riding in Berlin.
There is some extra photos here http://s160.beta.photobucket.com/user/Abenbob/library/Omnium
- Clefty - New style Milwaulkie Hoody, WWR shorts
2 - Eightball - New style Milwaukee x 2 (and poss other bits)
- moog - new style milwaukee hoody
- doc_si - new style milwaukee hoody + WWR shorts
- D. Generate - New style Milwaukee Hoody, WWR shorts (possibly something else if I can afford it)
- Rauri - Pullover hooder (maybe other stuff too)
- edscoble - men's 3/4 cotton short.
- jayloo - XS red softshell new and improved Milwaukee hoodie, 2 S grey, 1 S black women's cotton knickers
16.huge (need to check but definitely want some more shorts)
10.Andy.w (shorts/Milwaukee) Clefty Am I elligable as I'm in a different country. - damo (shorts/milwaukee/ (prob/poss. base and hiding) + women ish.(probably).
- Plurabelle. The girls' 3/4 shorts in black and a Milwaukee hoody please and thank you very much. Possibly the pants too if they're being discontinued.
- Milo. Men's 3/4 shorts in med. grey. pls :)
- Jim Jones - Men's herringbone shorts (and a pair of skinny jeans if I can have 15% off the sale price -cheeky, but you won't get if you don't ask)
- Rod Munch - S Black Windblock Jacket (and probably some other bits)
- Spins - M Hiding Hoodie or two, jeans and probably a couple of other things
- hoops - New style Milwaulkie Hoody
- moog - new style milwaukee hoody
- DynamicalSystem - 2x Large Baselayer, new Large Milwaukee, 34" Herringbone Shorts
- Yorky - Herringbone 3/4 and new milwaulkee hoodie.
- supertony - Hiding Hoodie + Windbreaker please
- One of the pairs of jeans, and a hat of some kind
- Jonathan - Mens knickers in blue, baselayer red Medium
- Clefty - New style Milwaulkie Hoody, WWR shorts
I got a Black one mint condition for sale on ebay http://www.ebay.com/itm/171103362191?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649