I was there the whole time and saw everything. I was very shaken as i watched the paramedics work on him for over an hour, trying to safely retrieve him from under the massive tip truck double wheels. As I watched from my friends 2nd story building I could see alot but no blood. Eventually they got him out and onto a stretcher, thankfully and to my surprise his arms were moving and he was alive. Quite unbelieveable, i thought he was gone. He is so lucky to have been alive, it was a horrible accident. Hopefully he is still OK. I wish i hadnt seen it but has made me a better cyclist since. If he hadnt made it i would have been devistated.
OKydoky, Ive attempted to measure as you explained, but was a 4.5 cm book...!!! I marked the door way and measured in at 76cm from floor to mark. How does that sound?
My current bike measures from peddle center to bellow the saddle where the bar joins at 48cm.
My inside leg measures at 83cm.
What do think?..???
Red has always been my hands down fave colour and a red/white bike has been a dream of mine but i also have had massive urges for a blue framed bike with spearmint and white tires, white saddle and pink taped handle bars.....a bit OT I know but i like the idea of it. Still... I agree, red is faster!!!! :O
Drivers have been so rude, loud, pushy and fussing over nothing the last couple days, more than usual.....must be the nice weather??? Ive been sticking up for myself and yelling back!! Dunno...maybe its just me??
I like the bike lanes, they give me free way alot of the time......but rude people piss me off.
Monday Fix, Cycle Safely...