I've used them for something my daughter wanted, paid the lowest offer price, then paid the fees, postage and import taxes, trainers were £68 ish, ended up paying about another £26 on top of that, took about 10 days to get them from bidding. They were brand new and still worked out cheaper than UK retail if they had been available.
Sizes are american on the site. -
I did the old one years ago which was a different organisation, started in Birkenhead and went through the tunnel which was bleak and endless laps of Sefton Park.
I've not done the new one although I'm doing the half [for the second time] on the same day, I pb'd it last time but annoyingly they've now changed the course and put in another hill. In the full Marathon there are a few hills in there, havent done the first part of the course where it heads out to the north side, there is a short steep hill at Upper Parliament street when it heads back out of town and there is another at about 18/19 miles is about 0.5mile but STEEP [especially at that point], flat run back in along the river which is fine although can be a bit windy if it's blowing in the wrong way.
yeah, I havent inputted anything so i guess it's working on a default.
I'm not in racing shape yet so can see why it might be up on a 6m pace which I just about managed close to my 10k time this morning [so was grafting for a bit at the end], but the long runs are at least 45s/m slower than my race pace, which was what shocked me.
I've done a bit of reading up on it this morning, as I dont really know what my resting HR is it seems a bit silly to get worked up about what Garmin says, off the back of a week's training -
can anyone offer any advice?
done a couple of marathons and half's in the past, currently following a Hal Higdon half marathon programme which I've done before, feels fine, not too hard, previously I substituted one of the easy runs for intervals, not even doing that this time out
Just started using a Garmin HR monitor, mainly because there was one in the box with the new watch i bought rather than any desperate need to gather data. When I upload any long run or pace run to the Garmin site it consistenlty tells me I am 'overreaching' on the training effect.
Can anyone point me in the direction of some info on HR in training, suddenly started worrying about to keel over half way round the park.
thanks -
we've got one of these:
Never had to do a real life test as Nelson just sits in the bottom of the canoe stock still but seems pretty comfortable.