- MA3K
- R_dy
- jaw
- Oliver Schicktoria
- Wibblackfriars (probably)
- emabankmurt
- Hoonztreet Kensington
- Stompy.
- Kirth
- rounce
- Jung
- joe smith
- Sorethroat
- blinder-after-a-few-cans dan (can't even read a list i'm already on!)
- BlueQuinn's Cross St Pancras
- truli
- subsist
- mmccarthy
- supertony007
- (46) Cornelius Circlefoot
- Mania +1
- middleofnowhere
- Liverwool Street Station
- party_paul
- King[s cross]fisher
- cannonstreet_i_have_a_p_please_bob
- CV
- Slowen Square
- Lynx (On the fixie subject to it being built in time, or the hercules if not)
- Rob
- Villactorua. (painfully contrived)
- Zane Chaos
- Boogswater
- lardbo
- Jester
- Aimk Street Kensington (person under the train which is now ready to depart, mind the doors, mind the closing doors...)
37.Roymund - eyebrows
- Crispin Gloucester Road
- NurseHolliday Gate
- ondineument
- LaLiLuLeLo
- Notting Hill cake
- Skullyers Wood
- d14vd_h
- JackFlash
- gaelle2208
- moog
- Inspector Tekro
- Puntman
- Superlooper
- Mishkathecow
- JAH Too tim Broadway
- alien (assuming all goes to plan)
- St. John H's Wood
- Bike Destroyer
- Teapots
- Jogger
- jacobhenry.sc
- Strip My Mind
- Adaplace
- Richiem
- Strider.
- Lovejoy23
- Braker Street
- Rascale
- Shaw
- Sirf.
- mongrel (woof)
- Al
- Donut!
- mc_nebula
- Teddy Richness (provisionally)
- Temple
- annabelb
- heyholetsgo
- Dov
- I Drink Tea[/quote]
- Joe [Non Forum member]
- Tom [Non Forum member] Inspector Tekro's friends.
- Soul
- Torches
- MA3K
I'd take the front.