I was looking into the well documented world of OTP SS bikes for a mate and came across http://www.worxbikes.co.uk/
I was wondering if anyone had seen or ridden one and if they had any opinons?
There are some no name parts and no detailed photos of the drop outs, but the price point looks good for a complete build...
Anyone got anything to say?
I want to know if it's worth venturing into the unknown and recommending this or sticking to the usual OTP suspects...
I'm looking into a similar project at the moment and found this site quite useful http://www.structuredhomewiring.com/
Yep, he has a dedicated nurse in the ICU and a full medical team close by, they have been proactive and caring.
He's still sedated and on a ventilator, but they are hopeful of him undergoing more surgery soon, which will obviously mean more trauma, but is a good sign that they have confidence in his stability.
I visited my friend in hospital tonight. It was horrific to see someone in such a high dependency situation, but he is taking small steps towards stability. The staff at kings are doing a fantastic job and he couldn't be in better hands.
It felt good to see him and his family, but it really did highlight that he has a long journey ahead of him.
Ride safe everyone.
Just heard my friend is in an induced coma after being knocked off on his way home to blackheath. It happened in Blackheath and details are quite sketchy at the moment.
He's smashed his pelvis and damaged some organs but he's been in a coma for a few days now.
Does anyone know of an incident in this area?
Annoyingly I'm in Scotland till wednesday so I'm feeling utterly useless at the moment.
French chap on a fixed black unipack with a rusty chain yesterday afternoon in Richmond Park. Wearing Vans and a rucksack he taught me a lesson as he pushed 400 watts up the hill as he went from Kingston gate to Richmond gate. I was geared and lycraed and struggled to keep up.
When i did catch my breath for a chat he said he rode competitively in France, he'd done his training for the day and was just doing laps for fun.
Is that saddle still available?