I'm building a single speed to replace the trusty rusty old mountain bike that currently gets me around London.
I'm a bit new to all this building from scratch malarkey and need some help. There's lots of useful stuff here but also a lot of "700/26 with 15.5 sprocker bracket" type chat which is quite confusing.
so my first question.
If I'm buying parts which are reputable brands and which are worth avoiding?
I've got my eye on a Stronglight crankset/chainring. Apparently it needs a 118mm square taper bottom bracket. Are these guys any good?
I also need a set of wheels. Any recommendations?
I'm on a tight budget, but dont want heavy crap or anything that will fall apart after only a couple of months.
Thanking you very much kindingly.
I've PM'd about the bars,if Kelvin's postal request comes to nowt.
Much love.