Sorry, this link should allow you to edit/upload stuff to the google drive folder hopefully, just changed the preferences...
https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B3SK2aENXimnWE5aak55ZzdLYUU&usp=sharing -
All of the above, plus there are lots of other psychogeographical analyses of London which I can refer to, more of a wealth of previous research to go into.
And also I wanted the project to look at how the city appeared to someone who has (had) never cycled in London before, and I wanted to get to know it better because I think it's a city which has ridiculous amounts of history and culture which affect it.
And we've done Sheffield to death over the last three years! -
Cheers guys! that'd be great if you could send them to me, the big file size shouldn't be a problem if you've got google drive (my dropbox can only hold 2.5GB so wouldn't be big enough).
Here is a google drive folder I've made, hopefully that works.
Alternatively, you could send them over using this https://www.wetransfer.com/ although it can only do 2GB at a time... -
Ah man that's awesome! your rides are totally in the vein of what I'm looking at, which I would probably summarise as 'Understanding London through the eyes of the cyclist' - or something along those lines.
I GPS mapped the couple of rides I did which were more of a aimless ride with no destination in mind, or 'derive' as the situationists would say... would you mind if I used your map data to compile a series of cross sections across London? and maybe quote some of your experiences in your written bits?
My deadline in 2 months, right at the end of April, so there quite a bit of time, but I have to start writing soon which is going to start taking precedence over the information gathering stage.
That said, I'm coming to London on the 15th march to do some rides; the plan was to interview people about their daily ride (to work etc.) and find out which bits have meaning to them (which could be something like, that pothole you make sure to avoid on road X, to looking out for the same bloke sweeping his shop front every morning, to a particular junction at which more focus is needed... etc.), and then retrace their route given what I will know about it, to see what meaning or understanding I can glean from the city.
I don't know if that makes sense, but yeah, any footage you do have would be great, do you cycle to work? Do you reckon it might be possible to do that journey in the time it take your gopro to run out of battery?Thanks
I'm an architecture student, and cyclist, writing a thesis about Cycling in London to do with the sense of meaning attached to 'place' gained through cycling, and the idea of ownership one feels towards the city when in complete control of one's mobility...
This involves not only doing a series of rides in London myself, but ideally, looking at other people's routes through the city to gain an knowledge of how cyclists exist and understand the city, through tactics, behavior, hierarchies on the road etc.I am also hoping to critique the cycling experience in London in terms of infrastructure and of cyclists' treatment on the road - public opinion, and spatial and political agency exerted by cyclists to try to change their environment. Contrasting my findings with experiences I have had cycling in other locations - mainly Cambridge, Sheffield, Berlin and Italy.
I was hoping to accrue some real footage of cycling in London, as this is the most accurate way of recording it, but I live in Sheffield, so it is hard to get down south with my bike a lot, and th deadline is becoming terrifyingly near! THIS IS WHERE YOU COME IN:
If you send me any footage you have of cycling in London (ideally with a bit of information about where it is; start point, end point, points of interest etc.) It would be hugely helpful as I can use it to create a map of sorts, picking out journeys across London as well as the 'feel' of the ride (augmented with any extra details you can give me).
This isn't just a case of you doing my work for me however, as a picture gained through many different eyes (so to speak) can be more comprehensive than just through my own.Any help with this, be it thoughts about riding in the city and the sense of ownership gained through this practice, or any footage of riding in London, would be immensely helpful, and you will of course be referenced fully in the document (if you wish).
Any files, questions, comments, or thoughts can be emailed to me at angusjhsmith@gmail.com.
Angus Smith -
This website also happens to have some of the nicest mountain bikes, and otherwise, i have seen.Also, found this on there:
maybe someone could enlighten me.
yeah i've seen that guy (langster, pink deep V), I've seen it locked up at the leys school. maybe a teacher(?) so fair play if tha's the case.
and blond guy on yellow bike is my mate Ollie, the rims are red/orange i have been told, haven't actually seen them yet but yeah. He's good mates with Oz, he helped ollie build up the bike so yeah.
Nah i don't actually, and no i didn't know about the lifetime warranty either,
the frame actually has a small crack somewhere on the seattube, near the clamp according to Jim (uncle). Is lifetime ambiguous? like, the life of the product sort of thing? because it is pretty old, and has been ridden across costa rica in its time.
Quite interesting though, might do a it of research into that cheers. -
Have been given this frame by my uncle, got it in pretty wretched condition,
but a few hours with a buffer and some brasso and it was nice and shiny.
Couldn't say why, but i've got a sweet spot for this frame. picked up the Paces for chips from ben haywards,
Just wondering if anyone had any thoughts on this before i commit to some wheels and whatnot,
i was thinking building up some 26" with a flip flop on the back to switch fixed/free and run thin slick tyres or something.
potential for polo? i have no idea.
SO yeah, any thoughts welcome (:P.s wheels for display purposes only, just ones from my road bike i put on to see what it looked like.
Hi guys,
Matteroftaste - no limit on how much footage whatsoever! I can just go through it and decide which bits I can use. 25 min segments are fine also, probably means they'll be easier to upload... If you could put them on that Drive folder, or link me to a dropbox (if you have it) that'd e awesome, cheers.
Bundo- Yeah those clips would be really useful, kinda interested in critical mass in particular as a political/transgressional act on the roads. What's your youtube username? I'll look them up...