You're not reading that correctly. World, North American, and European Championships. Three separate events which I'm proposing be administered with one unifying governing body. Oh, sorry. Did that twice. It'll take me a few to get the hang of this. And if you're not a player, why did you bother to read all that text. It's like a novel. Christ, you must be bored.
Not to hijack this thread, but since your forum won't allow me to post my own until I've replied to others already existing, here goes (with apologies). For those not already aware, we're (myself and numerous other players in the US and Canada) trying to cobble together an organizing and governing body for Hardcourt worldwide and we would like your participation and support. I've posted the proposed template for such an organization on the NA forum, bikepolo.ca, and it is followed by a discussion of tax and governance issues which will need to be addressed upon incorporation. Although I did my best to alert European contacts to its progress, I have been disappointed by the absence of any Euro opinions regarding this. My original proposal for the Federation was met with skepticism, and a call for more detail; better explanation. This new post addresses structure and governance in much greater depth, and I would very much appreciate it if players here would take the time to read it and express your opinions. Thanks, and sorry to butt in.
I was coming here to post a notice about the Worlds, but I see Mike beat me to it. Thanks, good show. Yes, the Worlds will be open to everyone who wants to play, you'll be able to begin pre-registering in a week or two. I would love to see as many European teams as possible, so, as registration starts to shape up I might try to find more courts, but at present I feel like I can guarantee infrastructure for fifty teams. The Fed website won't be ready for traffic for another week or two, but, in the interim it would be really helpful if players who intend to come would post to the Worlds thread on bikepolo.ca so I can begin getting a sense of turnout. I will make an effort to monitor this forum, and post occasionally to answer your questions, but if there's anything you want to know right away, you can get me at montana.norvell@gmail.com. Thanks, I can't wait to see everybody in Philadelphia.