Hi all.
I only recently started to ride again after 4 years or so off a bike; In my mid-to-late teens I rode trials pretty much exclusively, which resulted, due to a terrible riding position (tiny frame, too short a stem, constantly being hunched), in the muscles in my lower back weakening to the extent that they would twist and spasm out at the slightest strain (standing up quickly, sneezing etc.) rendering me completely immobile for anything from 15 minutes to an hour. I went to physio, did some core exercises for a while and everything was fine. I gave up riding a few months later and thought nothing more of it.
A month or two ago I bought my first fixed gear (fuji track with the otp bars swapped out for some nitto flats if anyone's interested :). I absolutely love it, but just recently my back's started to ache a bit in the same place as before, and I was wondering if anyone else on here has suffered any similar problems and what they did about it if they have? It might just be that I need to change my riding position (in which case any advice on how to figure that out would be great) but I just figured I'd ask in case it's a more common problem than that.
Cheers guys.
I can't even begin to describe how much love I have for Mint Sauce. Everything about it. Jo Burt's artwork, the little song lyrics/passages weaved into the page. Used to fucking knock me sideways every single month.
A few years ago when I threw out nigh on 4 years' worth of MBUK issues, I cut out all the Mint episodes (episodes? strips) and kept them all in a plastic folder. I'm totally gonna dig that out.
I just got back from a ride, and I am notably happier than when I left.
And I think that's just splendid.