Looking to do similar with my old raleigh mtb. Grilfriend picking her new one up next week and she'll burn me if I don't get on with converting it.
Short-term is going ss, which is fine but don't know what cranks to buy??? Longer term is full-on pimped-up dick-about trail machine so don't want to buy shitty bits now which I'll need to upgrade in a few months time. Also bit stuck between half-link chain and tensioner (vertical drop-outs). Prefer the 'cleaner look' of no tensioner, but many posts on here suggest the 1/2 link won't cut it.
Advice welcome. Might take a few snaps over the weekend and add to the current projects thread...
Interesting idea, but my competitive advantage comes from the fact that I know my route - flow of traffic, timing of lights, prevailing winds, etc...
I'd worry that this fabricated scenario wouldn't truly reprsent the all round skill of the commuter.