looks like Jamie's is at it again http://www.gumtree.com/london/65/30151065.html
£150 bikes - this time with black saddle
i.e. his paranoia had progressed beyond "assume they have not seen you" to "assume they are trying to kill you".
And there was me thinking that van drivers were out to kill cyclists - time to get my head checked ;-)
ps. glad you're okay - its usually the blind left turn that seems to surprise drivers (& cyclists) the most.
it does seem a bit 80's - but how about this bike http://www.core77.com/blog/object_culture/new_80s_stylee_track_bikes_5783.asp?
Don't run the clips too tight. Thats all really.
as he said - above
Slingbacks + toeclips = fail
I don't anything about 'slingbacks' but my catapiller boots (steel toecapped, anti-slip soles) + toeclips = complete and total failure (hmmm, i wonder if its the anti-slip that causes me problems). I'm returning clipless!
so on the evans cycles website http://www.evanscycles.com/products/fuji/track-2009-single-speed-road-bike-ec016010 the Fuji Track bike is titled "Fuji Track 2009 Single Speed Road Bike" but in the blurb later its says its the Fuji Track 2008 bike - which version are they selling?