This bike was nicked yesterday from my house in Peckham. Please let me know if you see it.
you seriously are a toss bag. scum like you spreading shit on forums bring company's down! fair enough they did kiss your hairy arse, but they sorted it in the end.
I'm amazed this post has stirred so much passion. Don't think i've experienced banter like this since school.
Dogsballs, i'm agog that the doctors give you so much internet allowance. posts like this will *hopefully *get BJ to take a look at the way it treats its customers. It's a competative marketplace and if they've got any business nous, they'll stop taking the piss and start being a bit nicer. End result, better reputation and more business.
And here's a pic of the finished bike. Some of you will like it, some of you will hate it.
Before I sign off, does the condom on the seat trick really work?
I like Bob Jackson frames, that's why I bought one. I was just making a point about the shit service I received. If I had the opportunity again, I'd buy from someone else - and wanted to pass on my experience so that it would maybe make others considering buying from them think twice. Or at the very least, if the same thing happened to someone else, they'd make sure they pushed hard to get the problem resolved.
I’m new to this site, but after a very unpleasant experience with Bob Jackson Cycles, I felt compelled to tell my story.
A few months back I bought a Vigorelli Track frame from Bob Jackson. After a few weeks wait, the new frame arrived. When I removed the bike from its packaging, I discovered that the lug lining had smudged in several areas. It was fairly obvious that they’d packaged it up before the paint had had time to dry - see attached pics.
I immediately called Bob Jackson to explain the situation. The response I got was: “doesn’t sound like it’s our fault,” arguing that it ‘must’ have been the mechanic that had caused the damage. I found this incredibly offensive. I asked him how the mechanic could have possibly done it, to which he replied, “he probably did it with some kind of cleaning solution”!!
Eventually he said I could send it back, but if they ‘decided’ it wasn’t their fault, they’d charge me for any additional work.
I then asked if they would pick up the bill for the courier back to Leeds. To which they responded, “No, you’ll have to pay yourself,” and made a farcical analogy about if you bought an iron from John Lewis and it broke, you’d have to pay for it to be sent back to the manufacturer yourself.
After labouring the point that it was unfair for me to have to fork out more money for a damaged product that I’d already paid good money for, they reluctantly agreed to pick it up for me. He also asked me to hurry up with the address, because he was a “busy man”.
I called a few days after the bike was picked up, and you never guess what they told me: “It looks like the paint wasn’t dry enough before we packaged it up”!
The bike is now built and all issues have been ironed out. I just felt that I needed to get this off my chest.
Just tried to open link and got this message:
[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3]The requested page has been blocked
The URL that you have tried to access as been categorised as Adult Content[/SIZE][/FONT]
Sites that display full or partial nudity in a sexual context, but not sexual activity; erotica; sexual paraphernalia; sex-oriented businesses as clubs, nightclubs, escort services; and sites supporting online purchase of such goods and services.Sounds great.
Cheers, appreciate it. Nah, they didn't break in. The front door was unlocked and they walked in at 3 in the afternoon while my girlfriend was watching TV in the living room, and nabbed both my bike and hers from the hallway. C&nts.