thanks to milanofixed.com, i now know that in my next life i want to come back as a stem (here's the flickr link: http://www.flickr.com/photos/keithgallagher/3518192097/sizes/l/):
So hot
just got my stolen Dave Russell back - spotted it on brick lane outside the primary school, went into the police station right on brick lane after calling 999 and one of the PSCO's waited with me until a unit arrived which took about an hour! It was next to a building site and the lads were allowed to use an angle grinder to cut the shitty D-lock off which took all of 20 seconds. The 5-0 let me take it right there and then, as I had a printout with a picture, and the frame number and detailed description. Result! It's kind of made me think that the police are pretty nice as long as you do things by the book.
So wait, your bike was stolen & probably sold to someone who left it locked up somewhere & you spotted it, got the cops who assisted you in nicking it back? Brilliant!
As an outsider reading these threads, it almost seems that as easily as you bike can be stolen, you almost equally easily can get it back. I am shocked & amazed.
I am blown away at the amount of bike thefts I've read about in the last few minutes. If I had the time I would offer a GPS tracking chip that can be installed inside the bike frame, then when an access number is dialed from your mobile phone, you get a text message on the bike's location.
I would be rich & a lot less bikes would get nicked.
I liked it that much :)