I'm with Ricky here. Unless you're bike is super tidy anyway with good clean parts etc., then go street and rattle can it !
Back in the day, rattle-can your BMX with all the bits still on. Job done. Money saved.
including tyres and grips if your a true motherfuckin g
on a unrelated note my macbookpro is really fuckin hot when i just got it out of my bag. hmmm
time to chill on the windowsill
woah, check out where its popular...
Big tournaments are planned in Rouen (France, April 09), Manchester (UK, April 09), Berlin, Newcastle (UK), Amsterdam and Munich.
just seen the full post about it.
well if anyone fancies it fridayheres the original post:*
so me and sheep are thinking of doing a biggish ride friday.either:
a) ride to coastb) train to berwick then ride home [£5-10]
c) train to edinburgh and then ride home [£12]
edin is early set off time, get there for just after 8, breakfast and ride home.
berwick is either 7 or 10 set off.will be at polo if anyone fancies it.*
so, am not too sure what am after;
got up to £450 to spend on either cyclocross or road bike.
has to be something modern, 58/60cm and something not too scruffy is preferred.
for shoes am after some road shoes and pedals, look, shimano, time etc...
ive got uk12 feet and cheaper is better!
cheers, am in north west london so can pick up.