Video of first group of riders over Millennium Bridge. Sorry it's so crappy, but it's all I got
LFGSS-Millennium Bridge on Vimeo
Thanks to the Cambridge lot for the supply of booze - I owe you guys. Hope your mate whose tyre blew out got back ok.
We eventually found Ryan (guy with blown tire) by Tower Bridge and we got back home OK. I think we actually saw you cycle past our van near Brick Lane after we stopped for bagels. Cheers BigSteev.
- MA3K
- Shinscar
- gizmond
- gabes
- Slag
- robin
- Superprecise
- Kirth
- dancing james
- Vinylvillain
- livingasleep
- PinkGottiMobbs
- Jacqui - Doing as she is told!
- Rik
- Peej
- Donut! (if I'm in the country)
- wools
- tika [i was cut]
- rocksteady + 2 friends (1 ss & 1 geared)
- hillbilly (I'll follow from where ever it starts, cause i swing the other way.)
22. - JOL
- Last Caress. Ride ride ride!
- Somebody
- crabtree
- fresh
- Jesus
- Ved
- Dj
- shootthebreeze
- Crispin Glover
- Simon J
- pajamas
- skullbags
- Dropout
- yeh731
- Aleksi
- horatio
- lal
- teddy
- Sparky - 29th Nov would be a birthday ride!
- Pilky - Sparky snap :) 29th would be a birthday ride also.
- Fluff
- Cornelius Blackestfoot (Should be back and riding albeit slowly by then)
- tomasito - hopefully on the new bike, and depending upon date of ride.
- MaxW
- Will
- Hipster
- dandy horse
- usukmetendoller
- oh go on then - mashton
- 31t®um - hopefully it's raining, and am gonna stay right in front of mashton
- VeeVee
- Jaygee
- Caleb - I going to bring my little green house if it rains. And I glueing the chimney on proper this time.
- texas
- fib and friend
- STe5
- Spins
- mmccarthy (first ride, first post here actually =P)
- snowy_again - had too much fun at the last one not to do it again
- ondine
- P!MP
- BlueQuinn
- kisu_shimo (as long as I'm not in Germany! - fingers crossed)
- Harry (another new kid)
- Wibble (depending on whether or not I have rugby)
- Stompy (he he - I got 69)
- Gustav
- Eyebrows- Definitely there, but on which bike-fingers crossed......
- Ektachrome
- Stuan....First ride with you chaps....unless I'm playing rugby......
- Joelounge....... missed out on the last one in for this!!!!
- Punkpixel
- George Sportif
- Stix....(I might have been num 22 copy and paste confusion)
- Sweaty
- Gav
- Sorethroat
81 . Mackenzie - in.flucx (new to london (studying at UCL) looking forward to meeting everyone looks like a great ride)
- Crankster
- *domeier**
- Build
- Dicki
- Smith (first ride ever !!)
- Stringerman (two fat ladies)
- alockett
- Lucky7
- chatters
- Dr Crippen....you can all give me a hug
- adoubletap
95.mdigy - Hobo
97.Asseenonfixedwheelbicycle (plus some cambridge cunts) - andersb (a cambridge cunt)
99. - Broker (Where i collect prize?)
- MA3K
Well I hope your interview was worth it Harv cos' you missed one helluva ride!!!
As we pedalled out towards Addenbrookes we were joined by rank upon rank of betrack-framed MASH types with arrospok front wheels until we were stopping traffic in all three directions. We had to be given a police escort (or maybe it was a cortina - don't remember the details).
Everyone started trying to out-trick one another... some pulled no-handed double wheelies, others got their leg over [sic] while skidding, while one guy (dressed as a pirate for some reason) skidded the entire length of Trumpington High Street backwards while his parrot recited one of the Canterbury Tales (I forget which one... maybe the Wife of Bath??? but I digress) ... and best of all, nobody was wearing any bloody Rapha clothing (no, Harvey... not even a scarf)... it was awesome! Too bad you missed it.
I was gonna try and make this http://www.instructables.com/id/Ultimate-Night-Vision-Headlamp---500%2b-lumens-with-/ at some point... most of the bits should be available in the UK.
from Met office
Some sunny spells, but also showers developing in the afternoon, and turning to sleet or wet snow in places, especially over hills. It will feel cold in brisk northwesterly winds. Maximum temperature 8 °C.
Tonight:Rain and sleet moving away and skies later clearing. Feeling very cold generally, with a widespread frost developing away from windward coasts. Minimum temperature -2 °C.
Just found out I can't make it this week either and leave the UK the following week. So if I don't bump into you... Thanks for all the good times. It was great riding with you all! Good luck in Rollapalluza